General Category > Emotional Support

Regret double jaw surgery and genie for open bite and retrognathia

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--- Quote from: some1afterall on October 26, 2017, 09:49:35 AM ---here's another after with chin

--- End quote ---

Please confirm if this photo is actually an 'after' or before.

This seems like a great result to me. You can tell from the profile pictures that you had so much strain before during lip closure which now seems to be resolved. In addition you have a straight, orthognathic profile. Dont change anything.

On the last photo, you still have a little gummy smile, is it normal ?

I agree with tdawg, regarding your profile, the results is amazing, especially the genio.
Now I understand you can't recognize yourself in a mirror, it can be very disturbing.


--- Quote from: Framboise on October 26, 2017, 12:29:17 PM ---On the last photo, you still have a little gummy smile, is it normal ?

I agree with tdawg, regarding your profile, the results is amazing, especially the genio.
Now I understand you can't recognize yourself in a mirror, it can be very disturbing.

--- End quote ---

We need her to confirm the last photo is actually of an 'after'.

The last photo is an "after" photo.


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