After having a 3-year hiatus from this forum, while still ruminating daily about my aesthetic deficiencies, I've decided to get some more opinions on what I could do to reduce flaws and bring balance to my face.
Last time I was here, a user with the handle "Optimistic" had remarked that my lower third wasn't the issue that sent my other features off-kilter - rather it was my upper third and more immutable features such as eyes. I agreed with him, yet I still feel my lower third could do with some improvement, principally projection of the chin and a straightening of the mandible.
The mandible suffers from pre-suclus troughs that I've been told can engender jowls and a sagging of the face - this is something that I obviously want to avoid. I feel as if my nose also interferes with how my face is presented, as my nasal base is wider than my inte-canthal length and has excessive flaring, especially with any unconventional facial movements (like from running or doing something strenuous)
I was thinking of getting either a genio-plasty or opting for implants; yes, I know how frowned upon those are - I just don't see any alternative to widening a chin and rectifying my aforementioned problem of the pre-suclus notch. I also fear that a genio-plasty can make my jawline narrower? It's something that I really want to avoid as I feel that my lower third is already quite narrow and I'd like to attain the inverse result - can a genio-plasty be performed without this issue?
Secondly, I was reviewing alar-base reductions and had concluded that some type of nostril-narrowing surgery was essential; the caveat being that it only affects the base and not the actual structure of the nose, I don't even think it touches the nasal tip - which I also need. Maybe I should opt for a conservative rhino that doesn't affect the profile of the nose, only the front.
I'm only focusing on these two surgeries now because anything else would either be ineffective or outright damaging to any aesthetic ideal I want to achieve, It's best to play it safe at the moment.
Another prominent issue is that of my lips, I sense that they're too narrow and enlarged vertically. I have these strange indentations - or creases - at the side of my mouth that become more pronounced when I rest my face or turn my head. It's worse on my right hand side, so i'm guessing this relates to the structure of my cheekbone and jawline on that side of the face.
I can raise up to £20,000 in a few months (Live in the UK), would this be enough to cover the expenses?
Straight on, semi relaxed face that's only employing muscles around mouth. Lip tends to sag and look incompetent when completely relaxing. as above. shot. Feel like my eyes are a bit too far apart or that they're too large vertically. Also drooping in right eye. is one of my better pictures, I wished I looked like this all the time yet I don't. I attribute my better look in this image to everything seeming more angular and symmetrical. shows my face at a candid angle (an angle people would see me at outside), highlighting cheekbone recession and sagging of skin. Lips also seemed puffed out here and nostrils and prominent. Give impression that of a fatter face. is another one of my better pictures - albeit the sun occludes a lot of the skin issues from the last picture. profile, note the lack of chin projection and slight crease at edge of lips. Also have minor maxillary prognathism because I'm mixed race. as above, though you can see the issue of my forehead shape/curve more clearly here - distinct lack of brow ridge. in conclusion, I suffer from any strong masculine indicators or solid contours that can bring someone up to being generally attractive. Every feature is slightly rounded and weak, obviously this is a big issue when it comes to women as they're never "ticked on" when they see me, I lack that raw attractive attribute that I feel every young, average man has. Also makes it seem like I'm sad and defeated all the time, with a submissive posture that odiously adds to the image of someone who's will never be considered handsome.
P.S. I have issues with asymmetry and my eyes being off center, I don't think I can fix this so I've resigned myself to acceptance. The eye asymmetry is congruent to the asymmetry of my entire skull, as you can see the posterior of my head suffers bulging on the right hand side - this has lead to asymmetry in the jawline as well as the cheekbone.