For #2, I detect somewhat of a class3 skeletal pattern. Have you ever had braces to push your lower teeth backwards as to compensate for that?
I'm asking because in profile, you lack the lip/chin 'dip in' curve (labiomental groove).
My morph study is suggesting class 3 skeletal. Recession to Lefort 1 area, recession of BSSO area and also chin recession; the type which makes the chin appear LONG from the front.
My observations suggest Lefort 1 advancement, BSSO advance to what ever is needed to best fit the L1 advancement and a sliding genio along a diagonal cut where the chin is slid forward on that cut to provide an aspect of horizontal advancement and vertical shortening as H and V vector components of the displacement.
In terms of functional 'mechanics', the suggested chin displacement would make it easier to keep lips together when sleeping.
The frontal morph is an artistic approximation of the frontal changes with the profile displacements. The chin would project SHORTER. The labial ledge (upper lip area) would be less curved, (straighter) and project slightly longer, the nasal spine would come forward for less 'droop' to the columella and the lips would come more forward.