Author Topic: Lower jaw surgery and genioplasty, possibly lefort 1? How much improvement?  (Read 1381 times)


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Hi everyone, I had braces when I was in high school to fix an overbite, but unfortunately, my orthodontist told me that it would never be completely corrected unless I underwent jaw surgery.

I am weighing the risk and rewards of going through with the surgery and was wondering if anyone could give me a second opinion. The first two pictures is how my current profile looks and the other photos are the results I'm hoping to get closer too post-surgery.

Could anyone give me an idea as to how much of an improvement to my profile/jawline I might see with lower jaw advancement and genioplasty? I am also wondering if lefort 1 would benefit my midface.




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Your face looks fine. The 'reward' is it will correct your bite. It's not a means to having the jaw line of a MODEL.

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