I had my first procedure done by Dr. Claudio Tocchio which went poorly. I had no complications of the surgery itself. It was just the surgical plan was completely inadequate for my degree of malocclusion and I am still in very bad shape. I had an open bite, cross bite, underbite, and facial asymmetry. He barely touched my asymmetry, they tried to manage my crossbite through orthodontics alone, leading to relapse. I now still have all the same issues, just reduced by at most 50%.
I have consulted with Dr. Marco Caminiti in the past year about doing a revision. Caminiti seemed to grasp the issues very well and was very happy to try to help me. He was surprised by how my case was handled in the first place. He offered me a SARPE and revision BSSO/LF1. In my case, he said as I need 1.1 cm upper jaw widening, even a multipiece LF1 will not suffice, so it must be SARPE. I will probably go with Caminiti for this as I had a good feeling for him. Also helpful is that he worked with Tocchio when he was training himself, so he recognizes and is familiar with all of Tocchio's hardware (which is now in my face).
I got his name by calling around jaw surgeons and asking who would be willing to do a revision. One female jaw surgeon I spoke to said "If anyone can handle it, it's Dr. Caminiti". He teaches at U of T also for what it's worth.
Good to see his name mentioned above.
I looked at the other two names - Dr. Jeff Fialkov is a plastic surgeon not a jaw surgeon. Dr. Oleh Antonyshyn looks interesting. He's known to be good? If so, I think I will go see him as well for another opinion. Can't hurt to get more opinions.
The only negative I had from my consult with Caminiti is he wanted to "pin" my right TMJ intraoperatively to make it more stable for the procedure. I am very much against this as my TMJs are in the best shape they've been in for my adult life and I really don't want to f**k with them. When I see him again in ~5 months for getting the surgical process started, I plan to explain this to him, and if he's adamant about the pinning I'll have to go to someone else. He seems very nice and flexible though.
I also didn't discuss with him virtual surgical planning so I'm not sure to what extent he does this.
As for the subject of "CCW", I'm not sure why anyone would think a surgeon "wouldn't do CCW" if it was appropriate for the case. We are not talking about v-line surgery or some other regionally specific surgery. LF1 is part of the standard training for all maxillofacial surgeons. I can't think of any reason they wouldn't be able to do a rotation in either direction if needed.