Author Topic: Orthognatic surgery  (Read 2315 times)


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Orthognatic surgery
« on: June 13, 2013, 02:34:01 PM »

I would like to know how will I look like about...
I am going to start with an orthognatic treatment, because my teeth don't show when I smile/talk that includes, which is seperated in thee parts: 1.: expanding the upper jaw by a smile distractor, because it hasn't developed enough as my lower jaw; 2.: wearing braces; 3.: moving upper jaw forward and down, and maybe rotating the lower jaw if he isn't correctly situated with my upper jaw.
My question is, how I will look like about, I've read that your face can get narrow because of the lowering of the upper jaw, but I already have an oval-long face, so I'm scared if I get the surgery done it will be more worse with my face shape, my surgeon told me that all my facial features will be in propotion, but I just don't know.... My eyes are also between normal and close-set, so if my face gets more narrow it will undermine my eyes I suppose?

I would like to know your ideas, how will I look like circa? My eyes, lips, mid face, face shape, philtrum, cheekbones, jawline....

Thank you