Women can be attractive into their 50s if they stay out of the sun most of their lives and have good skin genetics. It's all about skin quality for them. Once it sags it's over.
Men, too, but it's not as bad. So lucky to have a full head of hair, full beard, etc and great skin. Hair covers up a lot of issues. Someone thought I was 30 the other day. Bless her heart!
Regarding research, yeah, there is research into new surgical techniques (e.g. Distraction, which will be the future), but you see top docs shooting it down rather than trying to improve it. The people trying to improve it are younger med students and doctors who are on the fringe, in general, because they aren't getting great business in the current paradigm. They likely aren't skilled at surgery, so they're in research. That's fine, but we don't have the best minds doing the more important work, which is improving this surgery's predictability. Society is very inefficient; a lot of malivestment. E.g. Our best minds are once again flipping subprime credit on Wall Street instead of fixing real problems. If this is what society rewards then this is the society we'll get.