Author Topic: Beady small eyes.  (Read 14787 times)


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Re: Beady small eyes.
« Reply #45 on: August 27, 2018, 01:30:40 PM »
What about Eyelid Filler Injection?
I literally just found out about it on Tabans website.

After doing some research on it for a while, it's spoken about pretty positively online.
I've got significant upper eyelid exposure and it seems like it could help. Not saying it would fix everything or be a permanent solution.

Nope.  I rarely visit these forums anymore, but this shouldn't be an option for you - and some of the extreme stuff you're considering is simply madness!

1.  You do NOT have significant upper eyelid exposure.  I guess people are just going overboard these days on this.  Google hollow eyes to look at what significant upper eyelid exposure looks like - yours is very minor.  From what I'm seeing, yours is a mix of thin skin, slight volume loss (you actually have fairly good fat volume in your upper brow), eye position.  It isn't ideal, but it isn't even close to a deformity.  Fillers are temporary and in thin skin can cause more problems than it's worth.

2.  All these other surgeries and stuff you're considering are completely ridiculous to me.  You definitely have small, slightly narrow set eyes, but you aren't deformed at all.  You have so much to lose from this stuff, and imo this stuff should be only pursued by an obvious deformity.  It will most likely disrupt the harmony of your features because what I see as the problem is a bunch of minor issues adding up to the problems you have an issue with.

« Last Edit: August 27, 2018, 01:42:15 PM by jusken »