Author Topic: Post double-jaw surgery concern: Upper jaw/lower jaw moved up too much?  (Read 5753 times)


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Re: Post double-jaw surgery concern: Upper jaw/lower jaw moved up too much?
« Reply #15 on: November 15, 2017, 08:36:08 AM »

kavan, thanks again for your clear explanation. i get what you mean. even if that is so, then i must say the "optimal outcome" is still a little dissatisfactory for me. i truly believe that if my maxillary weren't moved so much, and i dont have what i think is now sub-optimal upper and lower tooth show, i would be very happy with the results, as i like how my front face looks like now, and despite my slight upper lip protusion, i think my profile has been greatly improved too (and i also think the slightly protrusive lip could be partially caused by the braces too, so im okay with waiting that out).

Why yes. That's the concept behind optimization. For aesthetic optimization of the WHOLE, not every single part can be aesthetically maximized.
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Re: Post double-jaw surgery concern: Upper jaw/lower jaw moved up too much?
« Reply #16 on: November 15, 2017, 03:23:29 PM »
hi "girl", to be honest i'm not that concerned about my chin, but more so about my dissatisfactory upper tooth show and excessive lower tooth show.

i guess what i really would want is to have my surgeon recognise that it is a valid issue, rather than just dismissing it out of hand as my paranoia. or worse, denying the issue even though he knows that it is valid. that's why i'm going to see another surgeon for a second opinion.

as i mentioned, i definitely don't wanna opt for another surgery if i can, so i was wondering if anyone knows if orthodontics can help to improve upper tooth show like in my case to something more optimal.

anyway i dont reside in the US, but this surgeon in my country is supposed to be very good!

kavan, thanks again for your clear explanation. i get what you mean. even if that is so, then i must say the "optimal outcome" is still a little dissatisfactory for me. i truly believe that if my maxillary weren't moved so much, and i dont have what i think is now sub-optimal upper and lower tooth show, i would be very happy with the results, as i like how my front face looks like now, and despite my slight upper lip protusion, i think my profile has been greatly improved too (and i also think the slightly protrusive lip could be partially caused by the braces too, so im okay with waiting that out).

yeah you look young so your teeth could be impacted a bit and s**t. I actually asked my ortho to restich my lower lip so that it definitely covered my lower teeth show and he did a pretty job ot it. So you might wannat ask your surgeonto do a soft tiissue procedure like that and at the same time you'd get a fulller lip and he could take out the genio brackets and you'd show less teeth. just a soft tissue procedure. let's see if he knows how to do it. Otherwise go see Dr. Sinn


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Re: Post double-jaw surgery concern: Upper jaw/lower jaw moved up too much?
« Reply #17 on: November 16, 2017, 11:52:20 AM »

yeah you look young so your teeth could be impacted a bit and s**t. I actually asked my ortho to restich my lower lip so that it definitely covered my lower teeth show and he did a pretty job ot it. So you might wannat ask your surgeonto do a soft tiissue procedure like that and at the same time you'd get a fulller lip and he could take out the genio brackets and you'd show less teeth. just a soft tissue procedure. let's see if he knows how to do it. Otherwise go see Dr. Sinn

You got mentalis resuspension together with V-Y mucosal lip advancement or just one of those things?

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Re: Post double-jaw surgery concern: Upper jaw/lower jaw moved up too much?
« Reply #18 on: November 30, 2017, 08:25:50 AM »
Just wanted to update:

It's a little strange but since I wrote the original post, my upper lip has further eased up a little, smiling is easier now, and my upper teeth show has either improved or I have simply gotten more used to it, but my smile looks less weird now and I'm less bothered by the teeth show now!

Just visited my ortho last week and I'm on elastics to help improve my cross-bite on my right side; the elastics will also supposedly pull up my lower teeth which are currently still quite bent inwards.

My lower lip still opens up a lot thus showing a lot of my lower teeth when I talk. So thanks for the suggestion - I will talk to my surgeon about the idea of mentalis resuspension and if it's even needed.

My upper lip is still a little protrusive for my liking but I hope it's just the braces!

All in all, this development made me look back at my old photos before the surgery and finally, for the first time proper in the 5 months since my surgery, I feel glad that I did the surgery and can see indeed the improvement to my face and profile. Although I must say that even though my surgeon said my chin would be a little shorter after the surgery, it still feels quite long! I'm not sure what changed or didn't change chin-wise, but I'm not that bothered by it at all!

Thanks again for all your replies and encouragement! I'm looking forward to removing my braces in due time and putting this whole surgery behind me once and for all =)

Here are some photos I put together to show the improvement that I can now finally see:


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Re: Post double-jaw surgery concern: Upper jaw/lower jaw moved up too much?
« Reply #19 on: November 30, 2017, 08:40:46 AM »
Glad to hear things are easing up for you. Nice photo presentation too where you put the photos SIDE by SIDE all on the same page for easy comparison.
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Okay, I just wanted to write an update since it's now 1 year post-op and I have finally, finally come to this point where I can say that YES, I'm glad I went for the double jaw surgery.

In the first few months after the surgery, I basically regretted the whole thing. I even fell into depression for abit and went back to my jaw surgeon asking him to reverse the procedure (haha). For a long, long, long time I couldn't get used to my face and I was very unhappy with both my upper and lower tooth show (upper too little, and lower too much).

I must say that a lot of my unhappiness at the beginning had to do with the swelling. I had no idea the swelling would make me look so different, but it did. I got really upset because I didn't believe it was swelling and thought I looked like that now. And would look like that FOREVER. Haha. My philtrum area was swollen for the longest time and took I think almost a year to really get back to normal. My smile was really tight and weird for months on end, and again I thought that was just the way things were going to be now. But it was just swelling! Nothing could convince me that it was just swelling.

I had to change my orthodontist because the first one turned out to be terrible - he had almost zero communication with me, didn't explain things and failed to address the issues that I brought up. My lower teeth was quite dented in because of the way the surgeons had to position my lower jaw. Also I wasn't biting well on either side. But my former ortho "worked" on my teeth for almost 8 months and nothing had changed. Mostly because he was not interested in listening to what I had to say (he probably thought I was just being paranoid). I went to get a second opinion and eventually switched to a different ortho, and this new ortho improved my issues significantly in less than 4 months. I am still on braces now because the new ortho had to reverse my braces treatment and work from scratch again, but in just a few months things have improved a lot and I am very happy with the results so far.

I hope my story will be of encouragement to those who are newly post-op and who are currently struggling with recovery. Especially those who are struggling mentally, because the challenge with jaw surgery really isn't physical but mental. For me, the greatest obstacle was believing that things would get better. So let me tell you this - things really do get better, but they take months and months. Only at this point, 1 year post op, am I finally happy with my results. So if you're still a few months in, take heart. Give it some time.

Also, the other advice would be to advocate for yourself. If you really think that something is wrong, go see a second or third opinion. Your jaw surgeon or dentist might brush you off at first - that's understandable because things on your face haven't settled yet. But if at the end of 1 year you still think something is wrong, go get a second opinion.

A last word of caution: double jaw surgery really isn't for the faint-hearted. If you're contemplating going through with this, I urge you to do your research and make sure that you are going with a good jaw surgeon with a great track record. This is your face. It's important. It's how you face the world. So don't be hasty or rush things through. Research and find out everything you can. Get more than one opinion - shop around for the best jaw surgeon you can get.

Has jaw surgery changed my life? No, not really. But it does make me feel like my face matches a little more with what I feel inside. And I think that's important and gives me a little more confidence. But if I have learned one thing, it is to love myself no matter what I look like. Underbite or not, I should have learned to love myself right from the beginning. =)


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+1 for wholesome post lmao