Author Topic: How is the recovery from bimax?  (Read 1442 times)


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How is the recovery from bimax?
« on: July 25, 2018, 01:45:43 PM »
I start university in 40 days. I might do bimax in about 10 days. Is it possible to recover (almost) fully in 30 days? I'm young and healthy (athlete), if that helps.

I would really appreciate it if someone who's had bimax could briefly describe the recovery process week by week. (swelling, eating, pain, ability to socialize)
- How many weeks after could you speak clearly -- go back to work/school -- eat soft food?
- How many weeks after was the swelling not noticeable?
- Were your jaws wired shut?
- Do I need braces after the surgery if I've already had orthodontic treatment and my bite is in line?