Author Topic: How recessed is my maxilla?  (Read 18152 times)


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Re: How recessed is my maxilla?
« Reply #15 on: September 12, 2018, 03:39:51 AM »
I don´t see anything special in my orbital area, honestly I don´t know how are recessed orbitals... the only thing I ca say is that I have a huge brow ridge,  actually (excluding lower third) I look somethig like this football player (Google: Lisandro Magallan).

I had another consult with my surgeon an asked why he suggested to move only my lower jaw, and he said it was only a proposition, now its too early and the best solution will be planed when my teeth get aligned (I have not even started with brackets), but it would be an option to move both jaws.

About the posture: Yes, I have a terribly bad posture, but I can´t do much for it because when I try to correct it I cant even breath well because my airways closes. Should I correct it before I have the surgery? I mean does the posture influence in the surgical planning?

Note: you can use my xrays, no problem.