Author Topic: Jaw Angles and Long Faces - Solutions?  (Read 2893 times)


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Jaw Angles and Long Faces - Solutions?
« on: September 07, 2018, 10:37:33 AM »
Hey, all. I haven't posted here in a while, but I keep coming back to this because I'm so anxious about my appearance. I used to think that my main issue was my long midface (which it still is), but now I'm realizing that my facial profile also looks cartoonishly long. I got fillers in my chin, lips, and cheeks in an effort to make my face seem less long. But I'm not sure if camouflage tactics work for me. The angle of my jaw is so steep and long.

I saw a really good maxfax doctor a year ago, and he told me that I have an overbite (class II malocclusion, I think?) and that he could do the surgery. But he also said that we would have to wait for my fillers to wear out completely before he could work on my face because he wanted to base his results on my actual face and not what the fillers have done to it. The same goes for orthodontic work. I asked for a lot of advice from various sources, and it was different every time. Friends and family insisted that it was in my head and that I'm "pretty," which I definitely am not. And several people on surgery and medical forums advised against surgery because the aesthetic effects are not always guaranteed and surgery might make my face even longer. Surgery is crazy expensive and the recovery is difficult, but I'd be willing to figure it out if it could correct my face. I'm so torn. 

I was letting my fillers fade for several months. But flash forward to a few months ago, when I got engaged and thought I might want to start a family. I was nervous about waiting out a full year of orthodontic work and then having a surgery with a long recovery, so I decided to have fillers done again. But recently I did some modeling for print work, and I can't help but notice how off my face looks.

Is a jaw surgery worth it for my issue? Is there another camouflage technique I could try? Should I just get a lip lift and Invisaligns for my bite?

Here are photos:


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Re: Jaw Angles and Long Faces - Solutions?
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2018, 02:55:45 PM »
Your face does not look long at all. It just doesn't look short and blocky. By engaging in surgery (especially upper jaw) you run the risk of seriously running into issues aesthetically that will likely bother you far far more if things don't go exactly as you planned.


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Re: Jaw Angles and Long Faces - Solutions?
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2018, 03:32:40 PM »
Hey, all. I haven't posted here in a while, but I keep coming back to this because I'm so anxious about my appearance. I used to think that my main issue was my long midface (which it still is), but now I'm realizing that my facial profile also looks cartoonishly long. I got fillers in my chin, lips, and cheeks in an effort to make my face seem less long. But I'm not sure if camouflage tactics work for me. The angle of my jaw is so steep and long.

I saw a really good maxfax doctor a year ago, and he told me that I have an overbite (class II malocclusion, I think?) and that he could do the surgery. But he also said that we would have to wait for my fillers to wear out completely before he could work on my face because he wanted to base his results on my actual face and not what the fillers have done to it. The same goes for orthodontic work. I asked for a lot of advice from various sources, and it was different every time. Friends and family insisted that it was in my head and that I'm "pretty," which I definitely am not. And several people on surgery and medical forums advised against surgery because the aesthetic effects are not always guaranteed and surgery might make my face even longer. Surgery is crazy expensive and the recovery is difficult, but I'd be willing to figure it out if it could correct my face. I'm so torn. 

I was letting my fillers fade for several months. But flash forward to a few months ago, when I got engaged and thought I might want to start a family. I was nervous about waiting out a full year of orthodontic work and then having a surgery with a long recovery, so I decided to have fillers done again. But recently I did some modeling for print work, and I can't help but notice how off my face looks.

Is a jaw surgery worth it for my issue? Is there another camouflage technique I could try? Should I just get a lip lift and Invisaligns for my bite?

Here are photos:

I remember you posted here before but don't recall (or have time to scan history) if anyone recommended you do anything at all. Best recollection was a strong no.

But lets see.. Self described able to form relationships and presumably happily engaged, able to get the job you want - ironically a model, yet you consider yourself as ugly. Sounds like BDD and/or has valid aesthetic issues that are not material to your well being, other than whatever mountain of nuttiness compiled in your own mind that you allow to be some kind of obstacle or 'problem'.   

I go over to the pictures anyway and you look sexy hot.  Nothing 'off' that catches my eye, except for the very strongly defined jaw angle despite the high mandibular plane angle (don't see that combo in pics so often). Not in a way that it's a detriment to your looks, just the only thing my eye tracks to instead of to your eyes in photos. Also, having little ramus drop-down is not fixable from bimax. Also, I don't know what you looked like without filler (that candid shot doesn't fit the clinical pose required to assess much of anything), and you should know by now how people have to take pics for evaluation of bone cutting surgery on this board. Think of what a doctor would want to see.  Finally, at best, given what little we have to consider here, you should evaluate how jaw angle implants or a chin wing may/may not apply to you, if you don't consult a psychologist first (not to be mean but I don't see how these are aesthetic issues to get bimax, let alone surgery for given your excellent overall looks).

ben from UK

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Re: Jaw Angles and Long Faces - Solutions?
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2018, 03:59:42 PM »
Ridiculously good looking. You're going to mess up your face. Already gone too far with fillers imo. Keep it natural and seek psychological help please.


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Re: Jaw Angles and Long Faces - Solutions?
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2018, 04:11:55 PM »
Gotta love the types who are so 'insecure' and 'anxious' enough about their appearance that they post glam shots and mention they have modeling gigs. Fish for compliments much?
Please. No PMs for private advice. Board issues only.


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Re: Jaw Angles and Long Faces - Solutions?
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2018, 02:06:06 PM »
Ridiculously good looking. You're going to mess up your face. Already gone too far with fillers imo. Keep it natural and seek psychological help please.

Millimeters are miles on the face.


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Re: Jaw Angles and Long Faces - Solutions?
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2018, 10:23:04 AM »

Here are photos:

Sizzling hot & sexy. Don't even think of getting surgery because you have the chance to look less attractive after surgery if you start out like this.


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Re: Jaw Angles and Long Faces - Solutions?
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2018, 10:39:34 AM »
Hey, all. I haven't posted here in a while, but I keep coming back to this because I'm so anxious about my appearance. I used to think that my main issue was my long midface (which it still is), but now I'm realizing that my facial profile also looks cartoonishly long. I got fillers in my chin, lips, and cheeks in an effort to make my face seem less long. But I'm not sure if camouflage tactics work for me. The angle of my jaw is so steep and long.

I saw a really good maxfax doctor a year ago, and he told me that I have an overbite (class II malocclusion, I think?) and that he could do the surgery. But he also said that we would have to wait for my fillers to wear out completely before he could work on my face because he wanted to base his results on my actual face and not what the fillers have done to it. The same goes for orthodontic work. I asked for a lot of advice from various sources, and it was different every time. Friends and family insisted that it was in my head and that I'm "pretty," which I definitely am not. And several people on surgery and medical forums advised against surgery because the aesthetic effects are not always guaranteed and surgery might make my face even longer. Surgery is crazy expensive and the recovery is difficult, but I'd be willing to figure it out if it could correct my face. I'm so torn. 

I was letting my fillers fade for several months. But flash forward to a few months ago, when I got engaged and thought I might want to start a family. I was nervous about waiting out a full year of orthodontic work and then having a surgery with a long recovery, so I decided to have fillers done again. But recently I did some modeling for print work, and I can't help but notice how off my face looks.

Is a jaw surgery worth it for my issue? Is there another camouflage technique I could try? Should I just get a lip lift and Invisaligns for my bite?

Here are photos:


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Re: Jaw Angles and Long Faces - Solutions?
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2018, 01:13:25 AM »
I remember you. Congratulations on your engagement. You are gorgeous. Your fillers look good - although a bit overfilled in that profile shot compared to last time. If I were you, I would've linked to your old photos before fillers. You had a better before/after filler comparison shot somewhere in your old posts.

Out of curiosity, first round, how long did your fillers last?
Did you have lip strain before, and did the fillers in your lips help with that?

You have always been very pretty. You sound a bit like you're seeking validation from these photos. But I know for women today it's impossible to feel/look good enough. It's become so much worse with instagram and everything.  You probably do at some times believe you are pretty, but I imagine you are quick to shake off the thought.

I can't comment on if you should do jaw surgery. Sounds like maxfacs have given you options (surgeons will prescribe surgery), but it doesn't mean you have to do it. You have to weigh up whether you could deal with the potential negative outcomes.


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Re: Jaw Angles and Long Faces - Solutions?
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2018, 02:00:02 PM »
But recently I did some modeling for print work

If your imperfections were crazy enough, you wouldn't get any modeling work. So consider this thought.