Hey, all. I haven't posted here in a while, but I keep coming back to this because I'm so anxious about my appearance. I used to think that my main issue was my long midface (which it still is), but now I'm realizing that my facial profile also looks cartoonishly long. I got fillers in my chin, lips, and cheeks in an effort to make my face seem less long. But I'm not sure if camouflage tactics work for me. The angle of my jaw is so steep and long.
I saw a really good maxfax doctor a year ago, and he told me that I have an overbite (class II malocclusion, I think?) and that he could do the surgery. But he also said that we would have to wait for my fillers to wear out completely before he could work on my face because he wanted to base his results on my actual face and not what the fillers have done to it. The same goes for orthodontic work. I asked for a lot of advice from various sources, and it was different every time. Friends and family insisted that it was in my head and that I'm "pretty," which I definitely am not. And several people on surgery and medical forums advised against surgery because the aesthetic effects are not always guaranteed and surgery might make my face even longer. Surgery is crazy expensive and the recovery is difficult, but I'd be willing to figure it out if it could correct my face. I'm so torn.
I was letting my fillers fade for several months. But flash forward to a few months ago, when I got engaged and thought I might want to start a family. I was nervous about waiting out a full year of orthodontic work and then having a surgery with a long recovery, so I decided to have fillers done again. But recently I did some modeling for print work, and I can't help but notice how off my face looks.
Is a jaw surgery worth it for my issue? Is there another camouflage technique I could try? Should I just get a lip lift and Invisaligns for my bite?
Here are photos: