Author Topic: Is there a half life on a Gunson consult?  (Read 1213 times)


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Is there a half life on a Gunson consult?
« on: September 27, 2018, 10:57:15 AM »
I'm trying to determine if its even worth it for me to put myself on the schedule. He doesnt do online/phone consults for revision cases. I currently live in Israel but will be back in NY and philly for about 9 days in April, I may be able to squeeze it in there. The problem is that the logistics of my situation(Basically I will be living mostly in Israel until May 2020, but with a half year gap where im in the US) make it impossible to even start presurgical orthodontics any time soon even if I could get Gunson to agree to work with an Israeli orthodontist and come up with the money for surgery. I really would like to know what Im eventually looking at here, but if I am just going to need to do another consult later anyway there is no point in spending the 500 bucks or whatever it is now. So if I get a consult sometime this or next year, then wait years before initiating the process will I need to get another consult?


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Re: Is there a half life on a Gunson consult?
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2018, 02:47:10 PM »
You should book the consult when your ready to move forward with a surgery. You should already be in Orthodontics, and have submitted molds of your teeth, medical records (bite impressions, Xrays, Cephs, Pano, professional photos of your teeth from isometric views, sleep studies if applicable to airway issues, questions you may have or your Ortho wants to know). You should commit to have this done, have a orthodontic plan in place so he can work with him/her in final placement of the teeth. So if you plan early, I could possibly see another consult because the way the teeth move in relation to the jaw placements. Your correct he does not do (to my knowledge and based on What Kim told me) any virtual consultations or phone consults, he needs a physical model in front of him, and it's worth it. It's a 2 hour comprehensive evaluation in office, he will give you detailed plans on what needs to be done, answering your questions, working out a plan with any insurance company to cover hospital fees. I've yet to read even 1 review online that gave him any negative reviews, and you get what you pay for here. He is skilled in revision jaw surgeries and I'm fairly impressed with seeing the results of his patients I've talked to online.