Author Topic: Dr. Sinn No Longer Does Box Osteotomies :( Best Alternatives?  (Read 9913 times)


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Re: Dr. Sinn No Longer Does Box Osteotomies :( Best Alternatives?
« Reply #15 on: April 13, 2019, 01:17:47 PM »
Is anyone gonna break it to this poor guy or are we all just silently laughing? I'm happy to do either

beak what? I know sinn does a cheekbone osteotomy, I don't know if it will get this guy what he wants though. I think you should break it to him so I can learn as well! :  )


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Re: Dr. Sinn No Longer Does Box Osteotomies :( Best Alternatives?
« Reply #16 on: April 13, 2019, 11:47:33 PM »
Is anyone gonna break it to this poor guy or are we all just silently laughing? I'm happy to do either
Yeah, I would suggest just saying whatever you would like to say and not being smug about it.  I’ve taken a lot of effort to come on here and try to contribute something, but I get the feeling that most people on here have some kind of chip on their shoulder or something. I’m trying to deal with a real problem that I have, with a very busy life and not a lot of time to do a ton of research (one reason I came here, since I would need a forum if i already knew everything). And frequently, I’ve gotten snide remarks on here, condescending statements, things like that. I have a karma of -1. Whatever the heck that means. Whenever I’ve gotten PMs, I answered them quickly and in a friendly way. When I got emails, I answered them. I’m pretty sure you’re one of the folks who contacted me privately.  When I was asked for pictures I posted them. What is up with this site where people consider that a negative? No wonder this forum seems to be mainly limited in its posts to a few know it all types. Not many others will post here for long.

There are a couple members I’ve found helpful here, but not the rest.


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Re: Dr. Sinn No Longer Does Box Osteotomies :( Best Alternatives?
« Reply #17 on: April 14, 2019, 12:04:19 AM »
Yeah, I would suggest just saying whatever you would like to say and not being smug about it.  I’ve taken a lot of effort to come on here and try to contribute something, but I get the feeling that most people on here have some kind of chip on their shoulder or something. I’m trying to deal with a real problem that I have, with a very busy life and not a lot of time to do a ton of research (one reason I came here, since I would need a forum if i already knew everything). And frequently, I’ve gotten snide remarks on here, condescending statements, things like that. I have a karma of -1. Whatever the heck that means. Whenever I’ve gotten PMs, I answered them quickly and in a friendly way. When I got emails, I answered them. I’m pretty sure you’re one of the folks who contacted me privately.  When I was asked for pictures I posted them. What is up with this site where people consider that a negative? No wonder this forum seems to be mainly limited in its posts to a few know it all types. Not many others will post here for long.

There are a couple members I’ve found helpful here, but not the rest.

Sorry you've felt that way man. Yeah we should all be a bit kinder toward one another --though there are some people (not you) who are autistic or retarded or something and come here trolling this forum. That's not you. You're looking for answers in earnest.

I doubt Sinn has done any box osteotomies or if he has maybe on babies a long time ago.

What he seems to be proposing is the mfl3 for you and yes, other patients have had this procedure. It helps with mid-face hypoplasia but I don't really know how much or what the risks are. I think those who have had it are more or less happy with the results.

So I don't know what Beyondconfused was referring to. I'd actually like to know what he meant as well.

Anyway, we all appreciate your coming here and telling us about your journey.


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Re: Dr. Sinn No Longer Does Box Osteotomies :( Best Alternatives?
« Reply #18 on: April 14, 2019, 03:41:59 PM »
Well, you should know WHY he's probably laughing at you.

1: It's because orbital box osteotomies are NOT for midface hypoplasia/weak under eyes/orbital rim. 'Modified Lefort 3' is.

2: You were familiar with Earl to know he had an osteotomy with Sinn but didn't pick up on the obvious which was the osteo he got was the 'modified Lefort 3'

You say you don't have enough time for 'research'. But what Earl had, which is what ATTRACTS people to Sinn is just STRAIGHT FORWARD enough to find out on one's own without too much help. It's 'out there'.

That or maybe he hasn't seen anyone on here more confused than he is.

I guess that makes me the one to 'break it to you'. But I DO think, he should have told you the same thing.
Please. No PMs for private advice. Board issues only.

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Re: Dr. Sinn No Longer Does Box Osteotomies :( Best Alternatives?
« Reply #19 on: April 14, 2019, 07:29:53 PM »
That or maybe he hasn't seen anyone on here more confused than he is.

+karma for this lmao


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Re: Dr. Sinn No Longer Does Box Osteotomies :( Best Alternatives?
« Reply #20 on: April 15, 2019, 08:38:54 AM »
That or maybe he hasn't seen anyone on here more confused than he is.

I was waiting for someone to make this joke, I'll gracefully accept defeat