I'd just like to voice I think you're being way, way too hard on yourself. You don't have a long midface or turkey neck or flabby unsupported lower lip. You're a very attractive woman. I think you may have fallen into a cycle of ocd/body dysmorphic thinking cycle. It's hard to see if you would really benefit at all from jaw surgery given the frontal pic you send. If you can attach a side profile, pic of your bite, and 3/4 pic we'd be able to assess if any movements could benefit your appearance. But you really need to not be so hard on yourself. You look great.
Also, I'm not sure max fac considerations are only applied to the bite, its the skeletal structure as well that comes into consideration. So I think you should just go to a max fac directly and ask if you are class I or II or III from a skeletal position.