Author Topic: Thoughts on this medical tourism insurance?  (Read 1117 times)


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Thoughts on this medical tourism insurance?
« on: January 28, 2019, 09:15:11 PM »

So pretty much after weeks of searching this is pretty much the only service that offers coverage of complications for medical tourism.
No normal travel insurance covers us for health problems if we are traveling to see surgeons in other countries.

Numbers wise the premium is 1000 and the max payout is 100k ( both in USD ).

Obviously this ration is a little worse than travel insurance that usually has a ratio of 100:2000 000 or even more.

What do you guys think about this plan? Is it even worth taking given the price and ratio.


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Re: Thoughts on this medical tourism insurance?
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2019, 02:50:40 PM »
Replying here. GPS weren't too hard to find. I also came across another company but it was only for medical tourists traveling from UK/ROI.

GPS told me the premium is dependent on the procedures/circumstances. Is the $1000 specifically for DJS? Are you getting anything else done?

If I have surgery overseas, I'll definitely be taking out insurance for peace of mind. I'm not one to wing it. Even the best of surgeons have had patients with major complications (stroke etc). The cover isn't that high considering, but it would help cushion financial burden on you or your family if complications were to arise.

But I would also think about where you're travelling to, what extent of aftercare is covered by your surgeons fee, and what healthcare is available to you when you return back home.

I would also check the reciprocal healthcare agreements between your home country and your surgery country. Most will I think EXCLUDE complications from elective surgery, but it's worth checking just incase.


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Re: Thoughts on this medical tourism insurance?
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2019, 06:55:19 PM »
I am surprised this does not have more replies honestly. Traveling for surgery is not uncommon especially in a case for a specialized forum like this where patients may have specific niches that can only be satisfied with a foreign localized surgeon.

I am wondering what sort of way the protect themselves from liability if not insurance.