Thanks I appreciate that. Out of curiosity did the large maxilla advancement cause unwanted facial changes?
Yeah, pretty significant. Convex lip, nostril flare, upturned nose. My aesthetic result was poor.
Do you think GUnson is a good fit for this or would Alfaro be better? After all, this problem has taken me to the brink of suicide so I really do need to get it right this time.
Yes, I too think a strong CCW may be able to slightly relieve my issues a bit. Like does that mean that if the front part of my upper arch moves up and is angled out then they'd be able to bring the lower jaw more forward without the tongue coming forward as well? I mean why do YOU think it would create more space in my mouth/for my tongue. If CCW would bring the back of the upper arch DOWN wouldn't that then trap my tongue or does it not bring it that far down. Thanks. Do you think GUnson is a good fit for this or would Alfaro be better? After all, this problem has taken me to the brink of suicide so I really do need to get it right this time.