There is a pretty good cheekbone result in this article as the result of a ZMC repositioning surgery
Although the surgery bumped out his lateral cheek area and corrected his fracture so the broken cheek matched up more with the unbroken one, all I would conclude from this is that it fixed his broken cheek. Kind of but not completely. But as much as possible. I would not conclude this is a great operation for cosmetic reasons.
He's got a double bump on the left side of photo D which can also be seen on left side of photo B. Likewise on the left side of the photo of the CT scan of the correction where it should be obvious why he got the double bump.
Those who would conclude that this would be a great operation for COSMETIC REASONS either:
a: Were not observant enough to have seen the double bump effect with it.
b: Were observant to see it but would actually LIKE or would not mind having a double bump on both sides.
For those who thought these were 'great' results and would entertain this for COSMETICS which one are you; 'a' or 'b'?
Anyone on this string with a CHEEK FRACTURE that dislocated the area?