found this article which I found rather interesting. It gives some good insights in how the structure in the face changes with aging. I think many of us who've been consulting and contemplating on our faces for a long time, also have thought about the aging effects.
What strikes me most is the anterior retrusement of the teeth in both the maxilla and mandible, and how the profile tends to go more concave with age. Also it seems like the entire maxilla seems to shrink back, and decreasing the piriform angle. The is probably what gives the effect that people tend to say that teeth show decrease with age, as upper lip support decrease.
It's also interesting how the mandible both decrease in width, but also shrinks back around the labiomental fold and increasing it.
Basically it seems like the facial skeleton recedes to different degree on most places.
Looking at this it may almost seem like a MMA surgery would be favourable to decrease signs of aging in general. But also being considerate about advancing the chin too much as it may get pointy later.