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Thoughts on this BiMax?

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--- Quote from: april on September 09, 2019, 03:56:51 PM ---Korvitz can your ortho confirm/deny?

I think it might, cause in one of his vids he suggests it to a really recessed 30 yr old to break up the distance (like 10mm IMDO, 10mm BSSO).

I read regular DO takes longer in adults vs kids cause the bone turnover is slower.

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I'll ask him when I meet him again but that's next year in Febuary so wait till then. There might be an limitation to the maximum distraction length for IMDO due to the physical design of the IMDO distractor devices but I dont know if this is indeed the case for IMDO? I will post an answer in this thread when I get the chance

But if you watch  at 8:58 you will see an 17mm mandibular distraction in an adult case & I've seen a young adult girl who I was told had 14mm so large D.O. advancements in adults is possible (with an different distractor device in this case) so why not with IMDO??

Réflechir, rechercher, innover en chirurgie maxillo-faciale. Entretien avec Albino Triaca

"Chez le jeune, la distraction osseuse sagittale est plutôt bien supportée. Ce n’est pas forcément le cas chez l’adulte mais elle présente de nombreux avantages : avancements importants, reconstruction osseuse, absence de risque d’altération condylienne (Figs. 16 à 18). Lorsqu’un patient a présenté des phénomènes de résorptions condyliennes, mais que les condyles sont corticalisés, il est nettement préférable, selon moi, d’envisager une distraction plutôt qu’une ostéotomie sagittale.."

Kids in general heal better than adults & it even goes for genioplasties
"Better bone apposition and remodeling is observed in younger patient compared with adults."


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