Even 1 or 2 millimeter too much bonemovement or an implant that's one or two millimeters too big can cause this as well. Some people need big implants or big movements, but I think many surgeons just do way too much. Subtilis the key. In have a bit of the same problem with my chin (implant is slightly too big). It's not as bad as you people describe here, but there's definately a bit too much force on the muscle. It doesn't bother me a lot but I can immagine if there's speech problems etc. it's really annoying.
It is subtle and it doesn’t look unnatural, just maybe a stronger projection than most jaw surgeons, even Gunson, would typically give. By big I mean the height, which was tall before surgery, but it wasn’t shortened - and with good reason. So now it may just be pulling too much; although this is just what my orthodontist suggested.
But that girl I referred to earlier with a similar problem to me had a genio SETBACK and although there are differences in our issues we both have that sense of chronic tautness in the chin and lower lip area. So if her chin was made smaller and she has the same pulling sensation it actually seems likely that the theory of “too big” is wrong. What’s more likely is our nerves and/or muscles got mangled up during surgery somehow.
If you put your index finger just under the lateral edge of your bottom lip and your middle finger with the same hand on the other side, and pull on your lower lip DOWN and LATERALLY with both fingers to stretch out the lower lip in both directions, that’s sorta how it feels 24/7. Now imagine talking like that. You can feel the pulling down of the lower lip when it tries to elevate to pronounce certain words. My speech has been getting better so I may be able to speak normally again (and also that girl sounds normal), but that sensation of being stretched out may remain.
It makes sense to think the bigger chin is the culprit, pulling on the lower lip, but that doesn’t explain this girls case.
We both feel like we’ve been “stitched up” improperly, like something got caught or tangled up.