The author: Dr Rohan Wijey is a DENTIST in Australia who has a vested financial interest in myofunctional therapy devices. That is found by looking into who wrote the article.
It is not too much different from an ortho having a vested interest in 'getting the bite right' where that as a LONE goal has made aesthetic problems to patients for whom if they knew any better at the time, they would have considered the maxfax surgery.
Ever read of patients on here bemoaning their face aesthetics were f**ked up BECAUSE the ortho only was the 'definitive answer' (when it really wasn't)? Goal of the ortho being surgery AVOIDANCE. They are seeking out SURGERY and to do it, they have to go through DECOMPENSATION of the prior ortho work aime at AVOIDING surgery.
Bottom line is that neither ortho braces nor 'myofunctional' devices are going to produce the results of a maxfax surgery IF the patient is indeed a candidate for the surgery. At best the type of myofunctional devices he has a VESTED financial interest in (which to me was palpable even before I looked him up because I suspected he was so vested) would do something for the types who get up here asking; 'Do I need surgery?' and the answer is 'NO'. At worst, the author seems to be of the ilk of the type of orthos telling patients who would need surgery to avoid it.
Well, dahhh...of course there are more complications with a surgery than there are with braces or other ortho devices alone and lets face it some of these orthos who have pushed backwards people's faces as to negatively impact their aesthetics and with sole goal of getting the 'bite right' don't consider a poor aesthetic outcome a 'complication'.