Hello Guys,
I'm really scared about getting a lower jaw advancement done, especially because I've consulted over 10 max fac surgeons and everyone has a distinct opinion about the amount of lower jaw advancement that I need. To begin with, I've got a skeletal deformity - Class II Division I, And an overjet of 7mm. However, my molars are in an edge to edge relationship despite the class II malocclusion.
The surgeon that I prefer is saying that he'll go with the surgery first orthodontic approach (SFOA) and then an ortho treatment for over a year. He said that he'll advance up to 9.5mm and create a class III. He's primarily doing this for aesthetics and I seem to agree with him.
The other surgeon that I cite with said he'll advance up to 6-7mm create a class I followed up with a short ortho treatment, makes the aesthetic improvement a little less pronounced but adds a bit of vertical height(2mm) to my face.
Here's what I think - if I go into the reverse overjet territory(9mm advance) then I'm scared it'll make my face shorter because of the CCW rotation and I don't know If I truly want that when there's an alternative available. I genuinely don't know who to choose. Therefore I request you guys to help me with this dilemma that I'm puzzled in. What will be the repercussions when I get too much of an advancement aka an overcorrection or perhaps the contrary to that?
Also, Both of them said that I don't need genio and the first surgeon said that he can handle the wisdom tooth removal at the time of the surgery.