Did Y change his technique. He used to do the jaw implants from inside the mouth where as Ramirez would sometimes place them from an outside incision.
No, it was an exception in my case because I needed the risdon approach.
But I just thought about it in general, it seems more logical to do it from the outside for practical and aestethical reasons.
Imagine putting it from the inside. Implant happens to be too big. Surgeon has to take it out, doesn't know precisely how much he should shave (and he needs to do it twice). As opposed to the exterior approach: put the implant in from the outside at both sides, immediately see if there's symmetry or not, if it's too big or not or if some parts need to be cut off. Then carving until both sides fit the face, immediately seeing the results.
I can immagine there's only so much time before swelling goes up and the surgeon can't 'see' anything anymore. Internal approach might take longer.
Maybe I'm wrong, I just thought about it. Even if an implant is too small, the surgeon might shave it in a way to improve the angularity or shave part of the upper side of jawbone (hypothetically). I immagine it would be easier to achieve the ideal aesthethic shape from the outside. It would be more like sculpturing instead of puzzling.