On your ceph; https://imgur.com/a/kbO8kWl I see screws near where the nerve holes (mandibular nerve canals) would be. But not a radiologist as to know if they were going right through them or impinging on the nerves. The reading certainly makes sense that they are given those screws are near the nerve holes.
I also see screws that look to be going through the tooth roots. But not a radiologist so no idea if the length of the screw stops before it even touches the tooth roots.
Probably explains why hard to tell from the ceph and a CBCT was needed.
Caminetti told you it was most likely nerve damage/nerve issue but also told you removing screws won't do anything. Wonder WHY he didn't offer to remove screws near the nerve holes just incase. Yet the Indian doc told you the screws were too small to be an issue.
To be precise I believe both my surgeon and Caminitti were referring to my chin screws when saying removal won’t do anything. Well my surgeon was at least - said it was secured directly to bone and there wouldn’t impingement. He never pointed to or commented to my mandible screws. Even Richardson was focusing on the screws on the chin I believe, because usually a large plate is used there, and also it’s the origin site of the symptoms. So perhaps they all just assumed the screws on the mandible weren’t impinging the nerve canal and focused attention to the chin screws.
Well, the CBCT gives enough info for the screws to be removed IN CANADA. Certainly don't want to go all the way to India just to get screws removed.
I guess if screw removal does nothing, you can then think about going to India.
That’s the easy answer and the most sensible option at this point, however it’s also possible that the STIFFNESS and NUMBNESS are distinct issues, where the muscle entrapment (as Richardson suggests) is causing the stiffness and the screws on the nerve canal are causing my numbness. I am not sure my surgeon can diagnose, assess, and repair an entrapped chin muscle as Richardson can do, in addition to taking out the screws.
Richardson said MENTAL nerve damage doesn’t cause stiffness , only numbness, but did not say whether alveolar nerve damage/ impingement could cause stiffness. This doesn’t really add clarity to the situation.
Perhaps as GJ told me I can ask them to also clean up whatever scar tissue is in there.