Education > Educational Material

Rotations of the maxilla CCW and CW

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I'm enclosing diagrams showing rotation.  People who don't have elementary understanding of geometry as BASIS to RELATE rotations to will be the ones who will be CONFUSED about rotations in maxfax surgery. I won't be giving remedial tutorials in elementary geometry if that's the case to clear confusion or answer questions that arise from lack of it. What I will do is provide these diagrams. I also suggest people having a hard time understanding how this stuff works, READ some of the articles in this educational section.

Thank you for sharing these diagrams, Kaven.

Just wondering, the first diagram showing from AB'C' to ABC looks like the second left one with black arrows...But why the first is CCW whereas the second is CW? Shouldn't both be CW?

The blue triangle when rotated CCW by X degrees displaces to where the green triangle is.

The first diagram is ABC going to AB'C' but NOT from AB'C' to ABC as you have stated it.

The second diagram with black arrows shows the direction of how areas displace with CW.

Thanks for the claification! For some reason I thought occlusal plane should goes from steep to flat, so I mistook AB'C' as pre-operation position...

Currently I have a very flat philtrum region; if I want it to be more upturned/concave, which type of CCWr would you recommend?


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