Author Topic: Distraction Osteogenesis; 'DO'  (Read 5530 times)


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Distraction Osteogenesis; 'DO'
« on: November 03, 2019, 09:15:23 AM »
I am offering links to some articles on DO because JSF often get inquiries about a TRADE MARK procedure that has within it 'DO'. JSF and mods thereof feel that posters in pursuit of information about DO (as it applies to moving the mandible) are better served by referring them to NON financially motivated academic sources that openly contribute to the scientific information to this venue than to those who appropriate the the term 'DO' (and add a prefix to it) into a TRADEMARK procedure for business branding.

"Distraction Osteogenesis of the Ascending
Ramus for Mandibular Hypoplasia
Using Extraoral or Intraoral Devices:

A Report of 8 Cases
Pilar Rubio-Bueno, MD, PhD,* Alicia Padro´n, MD,†
Esther Villa, MD,‡ and Francisco J. Dı´az-Gonza´lez, MD, PhD§"
Intraoral mandibular distraction osteogenesis: special attention to
treatment planning

Pilar Rubio-Bueno,1 Esther Villa,2 Alberto Carren˜o,2 Luis Naval,1 Jesu´ s Sastre,1 Rafael Manzanares,3
Francisco J Dı´az-Gonza´lez1
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Head: FJ Dı´az-Gonza´lez, MD, PhD); 2
Department of
Orthodontics (Head: FJ Dı´az-Gonza´lez, MD, PhD); 3
Department of Radiology (Head: D. Tagarro, MD,
PhD) Hospital Universitario de la Princesa, Madrid, Spain

The Long-Term Effects of Mandibular Distraction Osteogenesis on Developing Deciduous Molar Teeth

Paul Hong,1 Elise Graham,1 James Belyea,1 S. Mark Taylor,2 Donald B. Kearns,3 and Michael Bezuhly1

« Last Edit: November 03, 2019, 09:40:16 AM by kavan »
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