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Dental papers before my extractions summary

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Heres the dental paper BEFORE extractions, just the summary of my occlusion and skeletal pattern.

"Many thanks for referring (my name here) whom I saw recently for an orthodontic assessment. He presented with a class 1 skeletal pattern and average FM angle. His overjet is normal and overbite is normal.

He presented with a moderately crowded upper arch and a mildy crowded lower arch.

Other findings include:

Dentition clinically present.

UR   6 e 4 3 2 1 / 1 2 3 4 e5 6   UL
LR   6 5 4 3 2 1 / 1 2 3 4 5 6    LL

Class 1 incisor relationship
Right molar relationship class 2
Left molar relationship class 2
Anteriorly 12/42 are in crossbite
Posteriorly 14,5e 16/44,45,46 are in crossbite
Centric path of clossure
Mandibular midline is right of midsagittal at rest
Competent lip function
Oral hygiene is excellent"

So basically if I had my crossbite fixed when I was a little kid, I wouldnt have any jaw issues. If I had seen a QUALIFIED ortho I wouldve been completely normal. I had normal forward projection of the maxilla it was just width that was lacking.

Im now a mixed skeletal pattern (retruded maxilla and jaw) thanks to ******* orthos.

I feel sick to my stomach right now.

How is this s**t even legal?

My hatred for traditional dentists has just skyrocketed 9000%

They CAMOFLAGUED my crossbite, ruined my PERFECTLY NORMAL jaw projections and all for straight teeth.


Yes this has happened to many..... It must be stopped.


--- Quote from: Kristen on July 29, 2013, 04:59:04 AM ---Yes this has happened to many..... It must be stopped.

--- End quote ---

I literally cannot believe it.

If I had palatal expansion as a kid to fix my crossbite, my jaws wouldve developed normally.

I was MILLIMETRES away from never needing tooth extractions (only needed 1 tooth out, took 2 for balance)

MILLIMETRES. My jaw projection, teeth health and TMJ health has been sacrificed for straight teeth, they camoflagued my crossbite by removing teeth so my smile looks nice and straight.

At the cost of recessed jaws, teeth grinding, chronic headaches, premature aging and just overall a worse quality of life.

I literally cannot believe it.

Makes me sick to my stomach.

I wouldve had LESS functional issues if I had never had teeth out.

I needed palate expansion too.   Instead I had 4 teeth out - all adult molars, not even the smaller bicuspids.  My upper jaw is fine, lower recessed.  Partially genetic I suspect but it probably wouldn't be as bad if I had expansion instead of extractions.


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