Author Topic: A few questions about jaw surgery logistics  (Read 1068 times)


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A few questions about jaw surgery logistics
« on: January 25, 2020, 08:30:49 PM »
Hi all.

I am thinking about surgery for my jaw and chin. I'm new to all of this. I will most likely post some photos soon to see what you guys think.

I am 43 and male, and I have a few questions about double-jaw surgery, as I have a recessed chin and overbite. Sorry if this is basic.

-Do I need to start with an orthodontist, or can I go straight to surgeon consults? If I find a surgeon I like, how will I arrange for braces? Do I choose the ortho, or does the surgeon?
-As an American, is it viable to go to Europe for this? Again, how would the logistics of ortho work?
-If I travel for surgery, can I go alone? I'm not sure I have anyone handy to go with me.
-I did not have orthodontia as a kid. I also have some crowding. Had all four wisdom teeth removed in late teens. How unpleasant would the orthodontia be in preparation for surgery? Apparently the overbite has to be exagerrated to get ready for the movement of the jaw?

Thanks for any help.

Post bimax

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Re: A few questions about jaw surgery logistics
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2020, 10:51:29 PM »
Typically in the US you will start with an orthodontist who will then refer you to a surgeon (or just recommend JS generally). However, it is possible to seek consultations with surgeons without seeing an ortho first.

It is entirely possible to seek surgeons abroad. For remote consultations, you will typically need to provide the clinical photos as well as CEPH and panoramic x-rays though.

I recommend having someone with you for JS recovery. Some people do it solo, but it’s really difficult. You are utterly debilitated for like the first week (at least in my case). If you’re going solo, you really need to think hard about everything you’re going to need for the next few weeks and prepare beforehand. You will not be in any state to drive and should probably avoid public transportation.