Author Topic: What could I do ,my face is too short?  (Read 5527 times)


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Re: What could I do ,my face is too short?
« Reply #15 on: May 10, 2020, 05:16:09 AM »
You appear to have normal tooth show, so not a short face.  You look fine.


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Re: What could I do ,my face is too short?
« Reply #16 on: May 10, 2020, 08:48:50 AM »
I have not found yet my surgical plan.
I wiill post it later.Doctor was telling about downgraft,you have told me I have to find a surgeon who perform downgraft to the entire maxilla, it s posibble to make downgrafts only localized?

Yes, it's possible to localize the thickness of a downgraft. But the issue here would be a 'thick' down graft. For example, a surgeon in the capacity to do a 'thick' CCW posterior downgraft where most of the thickness is in the very back would also be in the capacity to do an overall downgraft where the thickness is graduated on a continuum from one area to the other. In that way, you INCREASE total facial HEIGHT whether or not the direction is CCW or CW. An isolated CCW posterior downgraft is NOT what to do for a short face needing more tooth show and an isolated CW (anterior downgraft for more tooth show) only elongates the anterior face but doesn't 'drop'/elongate the whole jaw area as would as would an overall downgraft whether the direction be CW or CCW.

Your shortness is to the OVERALL jaw area and the way to increase the total facial height is via an overall downgraft whether the rotation be neutral as in 0 rotation, CCW with a little more in back than front or CW with more in front than back.

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Re: What could I do ,my face is too short?
« Reply #17 on: May 10, 2020, 11:14:30 AM »
You appear to have normal tooth show, so not a short face.  You look fine.

Yes, he looks fine.  BUT tooth show, in it's own right, does NOT negate short face. It just limits the extent the facial height can be increased via the maxillary down graft.

One way to evaluate short face is to look at the division of '3rds' in profile, in particular the middle '1/3rd' and the lower '1/3rd'. When the middle '1/3rd' is less than lower '1/3rd', it's an indicator that the shortness in facial height arises from the middle third. His mid 3rd is significantly shorter than the lower 3rd. (This is a soft tissue distance relationship analysis).

To confirm shortness of middle 3rd being culprit of over all short facial height, we do same division on a frontal photo.

Another cross reference, I use for aesthetic analysis is to draw a straight line through midpupils to the outer edge of the irises; 'line H'. At midpoint of that line, another line perpendicular to it is drawn to where the lips meet each other, 'line V'.  If line 'H' is longer than line 'V', it confirms short middle '1/3rd' which was case of the OP when I used methodology in aesthetic analysis.

It's not my intent to draft out an illustrated tutorial in basic aesthetic analysis. But suffice to say, my findings confirmed he indeed had short facial height where shortness was arising from the 'middle 3rd'.

That said (like I said prior in another post), TOOTH SHOW is a limiting factor for how much you can drop down the maxilla with the down graft. With lack of tooth show, you can drop down more to get a better increase to total facial height. Conversely, drop down would have to be less on a person who didn't lack a lot of tooth show. BUT having tooth show does NOT NEGATE short middle 1/3rd when a soft tissue distance relationship analysis confirms it. Tooth show, extent thereof, just limits the extent you can increase the overall facial height with the down graft.

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Re: What could I do ,my face is too short?
« Reply #18 on: May 10, 2020, 02:26:02 PM »
Hello again,
I have found the surgical plan, I will try to translate it.
 Patient with class 1 dental and skeletal, slightly hypodivergent, with mandibular and skeletal asymmetry, without occlusal edge(cant)
Intervention on the base of the mandible, on the left side, for symmetrization.
Lefort 1 intervention with downgrafting (and CW) can be considered to increase the vertical distance at the lower floor level possible with exposure of incisors to 2 mm (and to give a younger look).
Exaggerating CW downgrafting will reduce chin exposure and require bimax with advancement (being biretrusive).
What do you think about this surgical plan?
I am a bit afraid, I can say ,I want everything to be ok, and to have the desired look ,because this surgery is an expensive one.
Also what do you think about my philtrum?*please examine all the pics)
 The philtrum will get longer or shorter after such an intervention?
The lips will get thinner after this surgery?
I thank you one more time for your effort to answer me,you have helped me very much


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Re: What could I do ,my face is too short?
« Reply #19 on: May 10, 2020, 02:29:27 PM »
also ,I dont like the manner how he perccceive to do the so called symmetrization of mandible on ,what will he do on the left of the mandible to straighten  the mandible....
I dont understand.


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Re: What could I do ,my face is too short?
« Reply #20 on: May 10, 2020, 03:03:01 PM »
This not really a 'plan'. It's more of him toying with idea of what to do. A plan involves a ceph tracing and proposed displacement overlayed to a ceph tracing CONTOUR DIAGRAM along with all the displacements charted out. So, this is not a plan anyone can look at.

Since there is NO 'plan' to look at, no definitive answers to how philtrum or lips will look.

Intervention to the LEFT mandible where it is SHORTER there could mean he's got some way of making it longer to match the right so that area looks more symmetric.

Exaggerated CW downgrafting most likely refers to isolated downgraft of anterior maxilla and would require (as he said) lower jaw surgery advancement with it (to compensate for an exaggerated push back to the mandible). It also fits into what I mentioned in a prior post which is that I thought he was anticipating CW direction because he had your head tilted UP for a ceph.

An OVERALL downgraft to the entire maxilla need not be exaggerated in CW direction as in much more in front direction than back.

My advice is to re-read my prior posts to 'digest' the info and to also consult with a maxfax who does overall downgrafts to get a real plan.
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Re: What could I do ,my face is too short?
« Reply #21 on: May 11, 2020, 12:37:12 PM »
hello again Kavan, thanks for your answers and effort put in answering my questions.
I would like to ask you a few more things(or other forum members, if they agree to answer me).
 First, I wanna say I dont want model look , I want just a new improved version of mine.
Could it be possible?
 Kavan, in other thread you was telling about a wrap a round implant it has to harmonizes well with the bone structure of the face, soft tissues and eye area.What do you think in my case ,examining my pictures?
what could I do to improve eye area?I know we are on a jaw surgery forum but I trust you as being very competent as regarding aesthetics .
So what could I do to improve me ,except elongating my face?
 I am waiting also for other members' answers , I will not be upset, you could recommend me what you sincere think

ben from UK

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Re: What could I do ,my face is too short?
« Reply #22 on: May 11, 2020, 12:52:03 PM »
He seems to have lack of dymorphic traits. That makes this case difficult. For example low cheekbones, lack of definition/angularity. From profile, his lower third does seem too short.

You also have excess fat in the face/under the chin/jaw, so I think you could lose some weight before assessing what to do exactly.

I don't know if his midface is too short, could be. Difficult to say.


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Re: What could I do ,my face is too short?
« Reply #23 on: May 11, 2020, 01:25:59 PM »
hello again Kavan, thanks for your answers and effort put in answering my questions.
I would like to ask you a few more things(or other forum members, if they agree to answer me).
 First, I wanna say I dont want model look , I want just a new improved version of mine.
Could it be possible?
 Kavan, in other thread you was telling about a wrap a round implant it has to harmonizes well with the bone structure of the face, soft tissues and eye area.What do you think in my case ,examining my pictures?
what could I do to improve eye area?I know we are on a jaw surgery forum but I trust you as being very competent as regarding aesthetics .
So what could I do to improve me ,except elongating my face?
 I am waiting also for other members' answers , I will not be upset, you could recommend me what you sincere think

Please know that when I address a person's initial post and explain some general concepts that are applicable to the person's lack of knowledge/information,--and here it was SHORT FACE-- it's not meant to be an invitation to 'spring board' off what I told someone ELSE in THEIR post/query for me to apply what I said to them to you. It also isn't meant to be an invitation to engage me in an over-all aesthetic analysis of other areas of the face.

I consider my 'job' done here on this string. I've confirmed you have short (mid)face. I've exlained the concept of the EXTENT of how much it can elongate will be LIMITED by tooth show. I've explained difference between isolated downgrafting and overall. I've suggested you seek out a maxfax who does over-all downgrafting. So, content applicable to your original and main complaint here has been covered.

That said, if there is anything you don't understand about the CONTENT/general info of my posts addressing your INITIAL query, then you may ask me those types of questions. None of that content says anything about your eyes or suggested you go to another thread where I thought your issue was similar to issue of another somewhere else. Hence, feedback on your main issue is not an invitation to spring board into non related questions.

If you seek feedback on the other parts of your face, you can start another string.
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Re: What could I do ,my face is too short?
« Reply #24 on: May 12, 2020, 02:39:49 AM »
 ok Kavan understood,but one last more question regarding my problem,you stated the downgraft is limited by the tooth show.
 you told something about ,also what tooth show when my lips slightly parted.Then , it is very limitted tooth show about 1-2 mm,only when I smile and ,then also ,let s say half of the teeth.
So could be a 10 mm downgraft?
 The middle third is elongated too ?that overall downgraft is made to mandible too?
Also how could be a surgical plan ceph?Should I ask him to draw on ceph what will he do?
 Thank you and excuse me if I repeated some questions.


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Re: What could I do ,my face is too short?
« Reply #25 on: May 12, 2020, 09:34:55 AM »
ok Kavan understood,but one last more question regarding my problem,you stated the downgraft is limited by the tooth show.
 you told something about ,also what tooth show when my lips slightly parted.Then , it is very limitted tooth show about 1-2 mm,only when I smile and ,then also ,let s say half of the teeth.
So could be a 10 mm downgraft?
 The middle third is elongated too ?that overall downgraft is made to mandible too?
Also how could be a surgical plan ceph?Should I ask him to draw on ceph what will he do?
 Thank you and excuse me if I repeated some questions.

Downgraft limited by tooth show:

LIMITATION refers to ONE thing that LIMITS the extent of what you can do with ANOTHER thing when both things are RELATED to each other. One thing will LIMIT how much you can maximize another thing. Think basic high school math concept of simple functions where functions Can Be Inversely related or Directly related. So the extent of how much you can increase facial height with a downgraft is proportional to the degree of tooth show. Maximum tooth show will minimize the extent of how much you can increase facial height with the downgraft and minimum tooth show will maximize the the extent of how much you can increase facial height with the downgraft.

The fundamental relationship between tooth show and the extent of a down graft is this:

The MORE the tooth show the LESS thickness the graft can have and therefore the less overall increase in facial height can be achieved with it. The LESS the tooth show the MORE the thickness the graft can have and therefore the more overall increase in facial height can be achieved with it.

To SIMPLIFY further, take the example of a of an overall downgraft of uniform thickness where it's the same thickness to the front of the maxilla as to the back of it; same thickness THROUGHOUT the entire maxilla (which includes the middle part too). The maximum thickness it can have (to increase facial height) is LIMITED by the tooth show.

So, IF 'X'mm EXTRA tooth show than one already had was needed, thickness limitation would be 'X'mm.

As to what is 'X' for you, that is something the doctor would need to determine by doing the appropriate measurements. I just go over the fundamental conceptual relationships and grasping thereof.

Downgrafts and discussions thereof apply to the MAXILLA.

Cephs TRACINGS are done on a CEPH. From there, a PLAN is drafted as to the DISPLACEMENTS to be done. Proposed DISPLACEMENTS of the JAWS are illustrated on the ceph tracing by a CONTOUR diagram that gives a visual of the proposed profile contour.

If you lack a fundamental grounding in basic geometrical and simple math relationship functions, there will be no base line understanding for you to relate concepts in maxfax to.

ETA: Ave. Crown length of maxilla incisor is about 10.5mm. Average gum show above teeth when smiling is about 2-3mm but not more than 3mm. Average upper incisor toot show at rest is about 2mm.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2020, 10:26:46 AM by kavan »
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Re: What could I do ,my face is too short?
« Reply #26 on: May 20, 2020, 04:35:49 AM »
as I ve made some gross measurements ,I have noticed the difference between line H and line V is somehow 8 or 9 mm.Am I right?
 Is this the ideal thickness of the downgraft?
 If the tooth show is not taken into account ,this surgery could introduce gummy smile ,but if it s taken into account ,I could hope for a 7-8 mm ?
 Also after this intervention what would happen with my phitlrum ,could it change?My philtrum is 18.5 mm.
and ,another question ,if the face is elongated ,the cheekbones could seem higher?
 Is it advisable to elongate the mandibular ramus  too by BSSO?


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Re: What could I do ,my face is too short?
« Reply #27 on: May 20, 2020, 01:17:07 PM »
I can't confirm if you did the measures correctly as to 'H' vs. 'L'. Mine were RELATIVE to your photo and done to confirm you had short face where the shortness was comimg from mid-face. In 'real life' someone would need to take a CALIPER to your face for the measures. BUT a difference of about 8-9 mm (H-V) does seem to be APPROX in the ball park.

Thing is that difference just corresponds to shortness of facial height. But the tooth show will LIMIT the extent of a graft to increase facial height by an approx 8 mm. So, with your present tooth show, you could NOT get the approx 8mm graft.

BSSO does NOT 'elongate' the ramus. BSSO is to bring the mandible forward whereas recessed mandible is NOT your problem.

Elongated face would most likely not make cheek bones look higher.

In a surgery where the maxilla is 'dropped down' (but not advanced forward), it would tend not to alter the philtrum.
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Re: What could I do ,my face is too short?
« Reply #28 on: May 20, 2020, 04:57:04 PM »
How tall are you?


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Re: What could I do ,my face is too short?
« Reply #29 on: May 20, 2020, 05:58:16 PM »
I can't confirm if you did the measures correctly as to 'H' vs. 'L'. Mine were RELATIVE to your photo and done to confirm you had short face where the shortness was comimg from mid-face. In 'real life' someone would need to take a CALIPER to your face for the measures. BUT a difference of about 8-9 mm (H-V) does seem to be APPROX in the ball park.

Thing is that difference just corresponds to shortness of facial height. But the tooth show will LIMIT the extent of a graft to increase facial height by an approx 8 mm. So, with your present tooth show, you could NOT get the approx 8mm graft.

BSSO does NOT 'elongate' the ramus. BSSO is to bring the mandible forward whereas recessed mandible is NOT your problem.

Elongated face would most likely not make cheek bones look higher.

In a surgery where the maxilla is 'dropped down' (but not advanced forward), it would tend not to alter the philtrum.

To this I would add, you look to be the facial type/ethnic type, where shorter face (as opposed to taller) is consistant.  I don't have my Farkas anthropometric ratios for racial and ethnic groups close by right now. But just to say, you look to be an East European grouping where it's normal not to have the equal division of 1/3rds. That is to say a shorter face is normative for your grouping. Based on your present tooth show when smiling where you don't look to have any gum show, IF you would be OK with 2-3 mm gum show when smiling (which is within norms), you could probably have a 2-3 mm uniform overall graft with NO ROTATION to increase facial height by that amount. For more to the lower face area, you could either have a diagonally downward genio OR a 'chin wing' that just dropped the down the mandible but no advancement. Good combo would be the chin wing of about 3-4mm along with maxillary down graft of about 2-3mm. So, we are talking approx 5-7 mm increase of total face height with the uniform max. downgraft plus the chin wing. There is really no need to advance out your jaws or to change your bite

I would be inclined to suggest the lower end which would be an overall 5mm increase of total facial height to keep within your anthropometric grouping and not veer to close to too much gum show. So I would err on the LOWER END.
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