Author Topic: Very concerned about my situation (face too long/narrow and recessed), advice?  (Read 3423 times)


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By looking at your x-ray, your airways are not small. I don't see any measurements so can't know for sure, but by visual inspection they look like what I got after having surgery. But also, OSA can not be diagnosed by looking at airways, only sleep study can.

The pictures of your bite are hard to evaluate, in one it looks like you have more overjet than in another. But basically your bite seems ok or at least in the region of what orthodontics can handle if there's a concern. You mention extractions, did they extract teeth in your previous orthodontic treatment?

I think a good surgeon may be able to address your concerns, but you should make sure the plan corresponds to your complaints. I would discuss with a surgeon who can do a vertical chin reduction, as you complain about a lot of down growth and I think advancing the jaws will only make this more prominent. Maybe you could get away with a well performed genioplasty. I think a bimax advancement can be successful as well, but it's a big procedure and long process.

ben from UK

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I think I do have equal thirds from the front. Although my chin is recessed, it has a good height so they kinda fit together ig. Isn't my upper jaw recessed too? From the side profile I can see a bit of a flat look and my upper lip is a bit set back from the bottom lip (both lips have the same inherent shape). Do you think some type of CCW movement would help me?

Yes, it's all true, but it's not really a problem from the front.


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Dude you''re handsome and your bite and smile look amazing. You don't need a f**king thing. Don't go down this route, it will seriously f**k up your already good gums and teeth. Go to the gym, excel in your interests and make good friends. You'll be happy.


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Dude you''re handsome and your bite and smile look amazing. You don't need a f**king thing. Don't go down this route, it will seriously f**k up your already good gums and teeth. Go to the gym, excel in your interests and make good friends. You'll be happy.

Why would it screw up someone who already has good gums and teeth? Are you saying that because it's an inherent risk for anyone doing jaw surgery that something could get messed up or for some other reason?

Post bimax

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I'm surprised to see people not recommending JS.

Seems to me to be a clear case for bimax advancement with CCW and probably a genioplasty.  Your maxilla and chin are definitely recessed.

The good news is you have a really good base with superior eye structure and a great nose.  Also, you've got a killer smile.  Seriously.  Had to make sure my girlfriend was out of the room before looking through your pics again.  Don't mess with any impaction to the maxilla.

The only reason I'd be cautious about JS is because you need maxillary advancement which could affect your nose.  If/when you consult, ask about management of nasal widening and upturning.  Get some before and afters from your surgeon too for cases of maxilla advancement and pay close attention to the nose.

Other than JS, lifting will make a big difference on a 6'2 frame.  Start eating a surplus and hop on Stronglifts or something.  You look like you could fill out well at about 195lbs while still being lean (12-14%)


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Op, when talking about comments on looks, i hope you are not talking about lookism type forums


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you're good looking dude. and you have perfect teeth show (wide upper row).


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obviously this young man gotten influenced way too much by lookism culture...

yeah that's my first thought as well


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does anyone know where to go for surgery? I m looking to do jaw surgery and looking for somewhere which is more affordable. Based on my research, I have found out thailand and korea are pretty affordable but thailand's jaw surgery isn't as good as korea. Has anyone been to korea for surgery?


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does anyone know where to go for surgery? I m looking to do jaw surgery and looking for somewhere which is more affordable. Based on my research, I have found out thailand and korea are pretty affordable but thailand's jaw surgery isn't as good as korea. Has anyone been to korea for surgery?

If you're looking for reasonable options, I'd suggest Germany, Switzerland, and Belgium. I've never consulted with a Korean surgeon but I have with German and Belgian ones.