Although I'm over simplifying, Jaw surgery is a multi-factorial equation aimed at balancing form and function. To that regard, 'form'; balance of jaws is your aesthetic part and 'function' is the bite correction part. The general goal is aesthetic improvement along with functional bite. The functional factor; bite, takes priority and is MORE straight forward given it's kind of clear cut to them as how the teeth should 'mesh' or meet. The aesthetic factor is to improve or remove aesthetic IMBALANCES as to bring closer to the 'norm'. Given that patient communication such as; 'give me a significant transformation' is rather VAGUE and undefined as to all the many VARIABLES that go into planning a surgery that balances form and function, surgery is not planned around that.
What you can ask your surgeon for is a ceph displacement diagram for which you would need an X-ray ceph taken. The displacement diagram would have your profile contour along with the proposed profile contour they have in mind.