Chimp lip is certainly caused by overadvancement, but nobody should take comfort if their advancement is moderate or even mild since the positioning or tilt of the maxilla has equal impact. I had a flat nasiolabial angle preop and was advanced only 6 mm and have a bit of a chimp lip. CCW-r would have mitigated this by providing support to the vermillion as opposed to the mid-philtrhum getting all the “push.”
I can’t really imagine one getting chimp lip if the tilt of the maxilla is such that the teeth lend an upward curl to the vermillion - even in cases of moderate to large advancement. Models have prognathic maxillas but good support at the ‘correct’ place.
Connor mcgregor for example has a chimp lip in profile because in addition to a prognathic maxilla he has a vertically long downward rotated maxilla, bulging out the mid philtrhum like this (, where the bottom of the line is the vermillion, getting less support or “push out.”
Others, e.g. models, can also have prognathic maxillas but with different lip support which looks more like this ), which offsets this appearance.
So what causes this: Steep occlusal plane/ vertically long maxilla getting a linear advancement, or a flat occlusal plane getting CW rotational advancement (Which happened to me). That said, my occlusal plane was flat to ‘tipped up’ pre-op and my vermillion still didn’t have any support... that’s where soft tissue can play a role and exacerbate things even more, so having thin unsupported lips pre-op is also a risk factor.