This summer my dentist referred me to an orthodontist as my front teeth have shifted a bit in the past few years, just to see if I could get a retainer or something to keep them from moving any more. To my surprise, the orthodontist had a lot more to say, and recommended orthognathic surgery because of my overjet (4mm to 5.5mm, depending which side) and deficient chin. I'd never heard of it before that appointment, and since I don't have any functional problems, it had never crossed my mind. I had braces as a kid, from age 10 to 12, so my teeth are straight but I've always had the overjet.
I saw another orthodontist and he recommended the same thing. So I met with the surgeon and he said it was my decision, but that I was taking a risk by not getting the surgery, since people with jaw/tooth positions like mine can end up with sleep apnea or losing their teeth (since the bottom teeth are at an angle to compensate) once periodontal disease sets in around age 45.
My question is whether, in your opinion, I'm a glaringly obvious case for jaw surgery or if I can wait a few years to make a decision. If the recovery weren't so difficult, I would have already gladly signed up for it as a precaution, but sometimes it seems crazy to go through with such a big surgery when I don't have any functional issues. Of course, I know that's probably just a "yet." I should also mention that I have some bruxism and occasional TMJ popping (painless) that has appeared in the past 5 years or so. I'll also be in my 30's by the time I get this done, if I get it done, so I don't want to spend too much time thinking since recovery gets harder with age.
Thanks for your input! I've posted some recent x-rays and photos from different angles here: