Author Topic: More questions on lips  (Read 2168 times)


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More questions on lips
« on: September 17, 2020, 02:37:58 PM »
Most attractive men seem to have wide downturned mouths (and wide palates), well defined vermilion borders and lips not too thick not too thin.

Since my upper lip has no support i'm assuming over time it gave my aging grandpa lips. The vermilion border appears to be poorly defined, I actually can't tell if I've lost color at the corners.

It doesn't help that my mouth width is below average and my jaw width is above average which accentuates my subpar lips.

There's a possibility of different procedures such as a lip lift, touch of lip filler, mouth widening (through surgery and/or expansion device) and lip tattooing if it is the case that the upper lip has lost its color.

Here's an imgur album of my lips in different lighting with a short description of my concerns

So, question 1)what's the overall situation with my lips? have I lost color at the corners?

2) should I proceed with a lip lift and/or corner lip lift?

3) if so, before or after jaw surgery?

There's a few threads like this one which is split on the issue

4) what are your opinions on expanding mouth width with a device like this person on quora? He has provided pictures and it really does seem he has widened his mouth

I've asked a surgeon about this and said: Even if you widen the obicularis oris muscle the zygomaticus muscles suspending it stay the same length

Either way I've got nothing to lose building the device but I'm still interested knowing beforehand what to expect.