Author Topic: I have question and need help for future DJS and genio (pics and cephx inside)  (Read 1482 times)


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So i heavily considering going through DJS+genio with CCW procejure for mainly ashtethic reason and for better breathing and health later in life, i have done X RAYS and Cephx analyziz for now and consult two Maxc surgeouns.
both of my jaws are recessed and on retro postion which make my chin recessed obivously.
i originaly wanted to do only Genioplasty as in less complciated surgery with less risks etc. but the surgeouns i have talked to said it isnt really produce great asthetic change comapre to full DJS+genio CCW rotation and also genio cant make the Mentalobial fold more foword so it will cause deep mentolabial fold if i do only Genio (to be honest if i could do only genio which will also improve the fold i think i will prefere that instead of all out DJS) which they are right.
Basically the last surgeons suggested if i go to only Genio route he will do about 1-1.4 cm horiziontly and 4mm vertically andvamcent which seems good in my case, but he mentolibail fold wont go really foworad and kind of stay where it is, which will cause odd look and not good ashtethic outcome.
and if i go to the DJS+genio ccw route he would do about 6-8mm ccw to the maxilla, 7-9mm ccw to the mandible and more for genio (about total of 1.8.-2.2 cm lower andvamcent), he beliving like myself in ante face look, he didnt get really specific because it was the first time i met him and we didnt do 3D CT simulation yet.

Because my bite is good he said i will not need braces before nor after which is great (also my jaw after the surgery wouldnt be wire shut so i could eat soft food for the get go)

The thing which the most disturbing for me though is that he told me that i need to extract all 4 of my wisdom teeth  before my surgery, which i really dont like the idea of it, cause to my understanding teeth and the jaw are conttected and support each other and in the long run in can narrow my jaw and recessed it, or am i wrong? (beacue is the wisdom teeth not premolars)

Also another thing that disturbe me is signficant relpase of the surgery, i dont mind small relapse (few milimiters), but big realpse sounds tereffing and i really scared from it, is it common?

sry if my english isnt good as it isnt my first language, here are some photos of me, also photos of morphing my self if i only do the genio route ( i have morpohd one with basically what the suregon suggested and one with the mentolibail fold going foword also so u will can see the diffrence i talked about in only genio routine)

Ideally i will much prefer to go for only large advancement genio (less risks, downtime, less of a surgery) with making my mentoliabial fold foword also but it doesnt seems possible unfortunately, so i will probably need to go for all

i will really appreciate what u think about my case, a big thank you to the helpers!

last 3 pages of the cephx anlyaziz are in the imgur link because of size problem


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Having surgery without braces is a bad idea because immediately after surgery you need retention to prevent the teeth from moving all over and no surgeon is perfect so the bite will likely need fine tuning.


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You're already very good looking, but would most likely look even better with a stronger chin / jaw area. Have you considered a chin wing as an alternative to DJS?


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Yea i am considering also chin wing to be honest, but in my country it doesnt seem like anyone perform it so i will need to do it abroad.
is chinwing surgery has less risk and easier recovery then DJS+genio?
as i said it this thread the problem with only genio in my case is that my  mentolabial fold will become bigger and look unnatural (the last surgeon i have talked to which is expert in ashtethic also heavily sugest to go all in DJS+genio because both of my jaw are reccesed  and need CCW and the potential asthetihic achivment is much bigger then only genio, i will talk to him about chin wing i guess).

and yes from the front i look very nice exepct for the chin, but form 1/4 3/4 and profile view the reccesion is noticable.

the thing that really disturb me is that i need to extract 4 wisdon teeth in order to go DJS, which i really dont like beacuse i think it will cause reccesion and narrowing of the jaw in the long term as teeth and jaw support each other.

Thanks for answering! , will be happy if more people here can help


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I don't have the half hour needed to look through all the plans, but a cursory glance shows that in the flesh you look recessed. Your nose and lips are large, so it's adding to the issue. This looks like an ethnic thing. The thicker your tissue, the less you may see a result from a movement. In general 3mm of bone movement = 1mm of soft tissue movement.

Your anterior bite looks to be opening. Tongue thrust? Doesn't look too bad.

Airway looks pretty small based on the scan, but you probably need a proper study on that.

Tough to say what to do. Your forehead and chin look to be in alignment. Your nose and lips protrude. Your mandible angle doesn't appear overly steep, so the usual CCW might not be ideal. Could be a case where extracting lower premolars and moving the lower jaw only makes sense.

Tough to say. Hopefully the surgeons who post here can weigh in.
Millimeters are miles on the face.


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is chinwing surgery has less risk and easier recovery then DJS+genio?

Yes and yes.