I had jaw surgery (upper and lower but no genioplasty) and was told that the best course of action would be to remove two lower premolars to maximize the advancement for the BSSO. After the extractions, a lot of my friends told me I looked much, much older due to the blunter/more concave chin. I thought so as well but was told that the BSSO would eventually make it look normal again. However, after surgery I realized that I still have the old lady mouth look, which is incredibly obvious when I smile. My tongue still feels constricted and I really regret the extractions.
I scheduled consultations with a few renowned surgeons when I was looking for a possible revision surgery due to other issues I had with my surgery outcome. I was told by all surgeons that my lower teeth were not tipped forward enough to warrant extractions and that a genioplasty will not make the old-lady look improve, nor will it help with tongue space, because it was due to the extractions.
I am wondering if it is even possible to reopen lower premolar extraction spaces and get implants after a BSSO? Because I don't know how that would logistically work without having surgery to move the lower jaw back first. Has anyone had this done or heard of someone who has this done?
(I would ask the surgeons but they told me they would like for me to wait until the 1 year mark to schedule another appointment and reevaluate my concerns after swelling is fully down.) Thank you