Author Topic: Black pill US jaw surgeons?  (Read 4954 times)


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Black pill US jaw surgeons?
« on: June 16, 2021, 09:21:17 PM »
I'm told Reza Movahed is one but I don't know any others

Post bimax

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Re: Black pill US jaw surgeons?
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2021, 08:49:25 PM »
You’re off to a bad start on this forum if you’re going to be importing incel lexicon/ideology.


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Re: Black pill US jaw surgeons?
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2021, 05:07:15 AM »
You’re off to a bad start on this forum if you’re going to be importing incel lexicon/ideology.

Can't think of any terminology besides this for what I'm asking.

Is there any US surgeons that do CCW rotation with large advancements then?


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Re: Black pill US jaw surgeons?
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2021, 01:02:14 PM »
Can't think of any terminology besides this for what I'm asking.

Is there any US surgeons that do CCW rotation with large advancements then?

You do raise an important question though. I have a facial deformity from radiation when I was a kid and I know it made me less attractive to others. My biggest concern is how do you discuss that with a facial surgeon? The more open and honest I have been had resulted in negative rapport from the surgeon. I always thought facial surgeons knew exactly why a facial deformity is a major issue, especially when it even stops you from smiling.

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Re: Black pill US jaw surgeons?
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2021, 03:41:03 PM »
You do raise an important question though. I have a facial deformity from radiation when I was a kid and I know it made me less attractive to others. My biggest concern is how do you discuss that with a facial surgeon? The more open and honest I have been had resulted in negative rapport from the surgeon. I always thought facial surgeons knew exactly why a facial deformity is a major issue, especially when it even stops you from smiling.

You are going to the wrong surgeons then. Discussing aesthetic concerns is a normal part of jaw surgery and not “blackpill”, which carries with it a ton of unsavory baggage. Find a surgeon that emphasizes aesthetics, like Gunson for example. Or a plastic surgeon if you aren’t going the JS route.


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Re: Black pill US jaw surgeons?
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2021, 01:21:31 AM »
Just wanted to chime and say identically: be open-minded, read the scientific literature, and get consults. Be careful about philosophies justifying surgery, focus on functional problems.


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Re: Black pill US jaw surgeons?
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2021, 09:49:34 AM »
You do raise an important question though. I have a facial deformity from radiation when I was a kid and I know it made me less attractive to others. My biggest concern is how do you discuss that with a facial surgeon? The more open and honest I have been had resulted in negative rapport from the surgeon. I always thought facial surgeons knew exactly why a facial deformity is a major issue, especially when it even stops you from smiling.

From what you relay here ('facial surgeons'), it's unclear if you are targeting your consults to RECONSTRUCTIVE surgeons, the types of surgeons who have the background to address legit facial deformities or if you are just consulting 'willy nilly' based on the surgeon having the term 'facial' or 'maxillo-facial' in the title.

So, first thing you should be looking for are those with background in RECONSTRUCTIVE surgery and have background capacity in CRANIO-FACIAL. 'Facial' or even 'maxillo-facial' is too broad based for someone with a deformity in the venue of cranio-facial reconstruction. So, consider targeting your search to doctors who specifically address cranio-facial deformities.

Midface hypoplasia isn't exactly a 'jaw' deformity because it refers to the part of the maxilla which is ABOVE the part considered the upper jaw. It's more in the venue of doctors who demonstrate capacity in cranio-facial problems. So, if the problem is ABOVE an area that a Lefort 1 corrects, consider the problem more in the venue of cranio-facial than maxillo-facial and re-target your consults appropriately.
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Re: Black pill US jaw surgeons?
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2021, 11:09:51 PM »
I don’t think you’ll find many surgeons who are “black pilled” in the sense that that term is usually used. “Black pill” is extreme and not a good quality to find in a surgeon anyway.

If you’re looking for someone who would maximize aesthetic outcome, you might try searching for surgeons who who publish a lot of aesthetics focused papers, or who advertise “orthofacial” surgery. That’s not a rule, but it’s the best way I’ve found so far.