i cant copy and paste text from it grr
failure to oppose the diaphragm and keep the anterolateral abdominal wall strong leads to thoracolumbar lordosis, which contributes to anterior rib cage elevation, overuse of accessory respiratory muscle and foreward head postureis me
but ive been doing pilates and still ahve elevated ribs...but the bigger picture for me is that they're all connected and need to be improved. it doesn't matter what causes the other.
incr thoracolumber lordosis, secondary to weakness of the anterior lateral abdominal wall, leads to latissimus dorsi shortening and hyperactivity as a humeral internal rotator bc the force couples that are necessary for proper scapulohumeral intrinsic SHOULDER
internal rotation are imbalanced secondary to improper rib cage position and elevated ant. ribs..........
other agonistic rib elevators and thoracic muscles, serratus posterior superior, levator costarum, external intercostals and subcostals also become shorterened. the main force couple of the lats and pec major, together, they powerfulyl adduct the humerous. yes i have ginormous lats
b/c hand dominance requires thoracic rotation to the contralteral direction, rt handed activity promotes upper thoracic rotation to the l through r lats, r pec major, and compensatory l pec major activity....yup r rib twisted forward. stupid computer