Sometimes, surgeon and ortho team have to tackle cases where both form and function will not be 'perfect'. Not all boxes of 'ideal'can be ticked in every case. Some will prioritize function where the trade-off can be not enough aesthetic gain. Others will prioritize FORM where the trade-off can be some 'off' bite alignment. So, that type of decision on part of surgical/ortho team is not 'abnormal'.
Your past photos show you had an EXTREMELY recessive lower jaw. So, if the ortho said your bite (probably meaning how the back molars meet) was fine and also some COSMETIC GAINS could be LOST from angling out the front teeth area, the front teeth area might be a trade-off you might need to get used to.
Based on your past photos, I'm assuming you got significant cosmetic gains from the surgery.
Since you didn't post your whole profile perspective after the surgery, there's no way for anyone on here to share any aesthetic insight as to whether or not you would lose some cosmetic gains by having your front teeth angled forward. However, if you feel you would rather 'trade-in' some cosmetic gains (your ortho indicated could be lost) in X-change for better functional alignment of the front teeth, then you should let your ortho know that function is your priority.