Thank you so very much for the reply.I would really appreciate if you can elaborate on the top a little bit please. Should I make the implant more concave in mid-mandible region and make gonions more flare out.TBH I dont want too much protrusion in angles because it can end up giving minecraft character look.
The reason why I said this is mostly because of:
a) Blog from Dr.Eppley about implant design or selection. He writes about this quite a lot. Check it out.
b) A patient from Dr.Eppley made a really informative post about the implant design process and why the implant has to flare out (according to eppley).
c) Own observation after a & b.
Super busy right now, so here is the short version. If I find time later, I will go more in depth or add the resources I mention here. But the reasoning of
a &
b material makes sense so check it out if you find it
... I don't say this is a general rule but its something to consider
And Minecraft Charter look is probably more due to the size of the implant then shape.