Both i saw yet have told me i'm not a case for downgraft due to the vertical maxillary excess.
My before profile is similar to this patient with the vertical excess, who achieved the maxillary CCW with impaction only. Difference is patient needed TJR.
So it seems possible to achieve enough rotation with the impaction only but why do you think i need downgraft absolutely ?

I told you similar. You have both anterior and posterior vertical excess whereas the latter negates CCW via posterior downgrafting. Also, I think, but not exactly sure, that another thing that might negate the CCW via PDG is a short ramus which you also have. As to folks on here being 'absolutely sure' you 'need CCW' via PDG, we've been through that before. IMO, it's an 'auto-pilot' thing where people just see a lower jaw that needs to come forward a lot and automatically 'equate' that with CCW PDG whereas that is not always the case due to some factors that negate the PDG (eg. excess posterior maxilla in addition to excess anterior maxilla).
Where did you get the photo/s that look JUST LIKE you? Anyway, what to notice is that the ramus was made LONGER. But I don't know how to ID a TJR from an X ray which is why I'm asking where you got the photo of someone who had similar start point as you. Like WHICH doctor's website, if any, can this be found?