Author Topic: Surgery with dr karl cuddy was a nightmare  (Read 1457 times)


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Surgery with dr karl cuddy was a nightmare
« on: September 05, 2022, 06:28:09 AM »
the treatment I've received after having surgery at this clinic is completely unforgivable. When i first met dr cuddy he seemed to be nice but i found it extremely odd how he seemed eager to defend my previous surgeon whos botched me work. Which i found completely unnecessary as i wasn't coming to him to tell me why my previous surgeon may have botched me or how he thinks it doesn't look too bad. I came to him to fix it! It came across as very strange but i ignored my feeling because overall he was really nice. He also warned me that for this revision it will be more work and subsequently more painful. Which I was okay with because i was thinking he would give me adequate pain meds to help with it. Oh how silly i was. So Everything seemed to go smoothly after jaw surgery However my recovery was difficult as this was a revision and when i requested specific painkillers i was met with resistance and reluctance because according to one of his own on call doctors they are afraid to prescribe anything beyond generic over the counter painkillers like tylenol,ibuprofen and naproxen because they fear people are going to become addicted to stronger stuff. Excuse me? But this is an extremely invasive and painful procedure requiring real painkillers for people to bear the experience. Never mind the fact that eating is difficult after jaw surgery. now i must deal with the level 10 pain because your afraid i might become addicted when i am merely asking for a potent pain killer like oxy during the infancy recovery stage of this procedure? That's totally unethical! Your supposed to be reluctant to give these meds after a significant amount of time has passed not the very beginning. The recovery period for this surgery is 3 weeks! For the first week of surgery i had to go three days without any pain killers all they did was prescribe anti inflammatories regardless of the fact i expressed to them my stomach could not tolerate them. When they finally prescribed painkillers it was the lowest amount possible and barely effective. When i threatened to call the medical board suddenly i was prescribed a couple of oxy tablets which obviously was not enough for a 3 week recovery! The level of disrespect and lack of caring about a person's overall health is out of this world. I've received better healthcare from a plastic surgery chop shop in miami known for killing patients. I'm extremely disappointed because initially my doctor seemed to genuinely care about helping me yet once the surgery was done it was like playing phone tag between him and his assistants to help me. As frankly none of them seemed to give an F that i was in pain. One of the assistants even told me i needed to "be patient " after waiting two days without painkillers despite it being the first week post op with fresh wounds healing. I planned to sing my dr,'s praises after my surgery but the only thing i can say is this has been nothing short of a nightmare
If i had known i was going to have to fight for adequate care i would of gone to another doctor. I ended up having to go to the emergency room to get an adequate amount of painkillers. As for my surgery results. They are horrible i am even worse than before. My chin does not match my jaw even worse than before. Cuddy reattached my chin crooked. He was supposed to reverse a sliding genioplasty and didn't fully reverse the chin back which was specifically what i paid him for! Money down the drain and cuddy with his team could care even less. Fyi The emergency clinic i had to go to retrieve painkillers couldn't believe the small amount they prescribed for the work he did. She thought i had gone to  Mexico for the surgery i had done as they are apparently known for stuff like that there.