Before/After Photos > Other

Is this site sponsored by surgeons?

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Genuinely interested to know. Thanks


--- Quote from: jawgraphy on June 04, 2022, 07:45:31 AM ---Genuinely interested to know. Thanks

--- End quote ---

Hah. No.

OK. Just wondered if the recommendations and advice was 'sponsored' at all.

And if that's not the case, then may i ask who runs this forum, and if no money is changing hands is it maintained so well? (I'm not being cynical here or playing dumb, I'm just genuinely interested as to the motive behind the forum. Seems quite a lot of time and effort goes in to running a forum if no financial gains are to be had from it...?)


I VOLUNTEER my time and knowledge. I receive no funds from this board. I'm not the owner though. GJ is the owner. I often refrain from giving open recommendations for surgeons as to avoid appearance of promoting them. I'm not a surgeon.

Donations are required to register, and that funds hosting fees.

There are no sponsors or anything like that. I have a degree in computer science, so I can maintain that part of things easily. When I started the site over 10 years ago, all the other jaw sites were very pro-jaw surgery, and when cases went wrong they'd blame the patient and write it off as a rarity, then go back to cheer-leading jaw surgery, so I started this one to be more factual and educational about things...that there are real risks, etc. I'm not a doctor, I'm not sponsored by doctors, and I have no "motive" other than being realistic about the surgery.


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