My morph incorporated CCW. You will need to study up on the terms and geometrical relationships associated with bimax surgery if you wish to communicate effectively as to what you are seeking. Surgeons consider the SAME angles I mentioned here. Maxfax is all about POINTS, ANGLES, ROTATION and PLANES.....alterations/changes thereof towards goal of balancing the jaw to jaw relationship and bite. So, I need to move on to other posters who are more receptive to the type of communication that is used to describe maxillofacial relationships.
Best of luck finding a surgeon you have a rapport with as to what you want.
I must say I hope it didn’t seem like i wasn’t being receptive. There's just a lot i don’t know how to put into words effectively.
I don't have any other exact measurements to give, but what the previously discussed SNA/SNB lines don't seem to entail, are the appearance of my nose and the overall appearance of my mid/lower face, as if some supportive structure was missing.
The lines might say "there is no recession", but to the eye something is off, the skin around the midface is too saggy and the edges of the nostrils are too downward pointing, this would indicate that the problem is the position of the jaws being too backwards. Even if the lines don't concurr.
I think that in your morph many of these questions are answered and the overall symmetry appears vastly improved to me. The result might be PROGNATHIC, but i believe this is closer to the position my jaws would have taken in relation to the rest of my face if not for my malocclusion, as was my point in some previous messages. This would pretty much confirm my beliefs that the DJS surgery together with CCW rotation is aesthetically the right choice for me.
I will either update this post or make a new one once i get plans from my surgeon