Adequately projected? Natural? Come on dude your second morph makes him look like those people that fix the nasal hump with hialuronic acid, just looks bad and not natural in any way. His natural and adequately projected nasal bridge is the one he has now which wasnt affected by surgeries. He did gain tip projection from his maxillary advancement so if anything what he should change is the TIP and deproject it. That gives him a straight nose
Also your suggestion also avances de n’ point and that makes OPs face looks less forward grown and more retangular.
So i think your suggestion goes against what OP is complaining about and makes him look flat faced instead of forward grown.
He already thinks he is lacking forward growth. (Not something i agree with)
Insane the you would think that would in any way help op. He already has bdd from the surgeries he had, lets make another face part look unnatural
I made those in GIMP in 5 minutes, quick workups for demonstration. While not perfect, both are an improvement.
OP's nose was natural and well-suited to his face PRIOR to bimax. Massive CCW rotation and 10mm advancement at the LF1 level have substantially changed the relationship such that the mobilized and non-mobilized are now in disharmony. Were the bite to advance to its current position via natural growth processes, the nasal complex (as part of the maxilla) would have likewise advanced in a counter-clockwise rotational fashion.
This phenomenon can be observed with trans-sutural distraction osteogenesis, where the entire maxilla displaces and rotates as a unit: skeletal disharmony between the mobilized and non-mobilized segments needs to be corrected. For the nose and upper midface, this means creating a pseudo-CCW rotation and advancement, respectively.
You're correct that the absolute projection of the nasal tip has increased, but the relative distance from key soft tissue facial landmarks has actually decreased. Therefore, no - the nasal tip is no longer adequately projected as compared to the lips, paranasal, etc. The reason OP needed a rhinoplasty to correct his flaring was precisely because the distance between the tip and paranasal tissues decreased in the A-P dimension, with the nostrils then forced to occupy space in the transverse dimension/laterally.
Advancing Nasion is not an issue and would actually be desirable given that the aesthetic ideal is for the upper incisors and Nasion to be aligned along a vertical plane when subject's FH plane is level. OP's upper incisors are well ahead of his Nasion, creating substantial disharmony.
Not insane at all. The maxilla does not grow segmentally. Visually approximating and restoring the previous skeletal/soft tissue relationships and proportions would get OP back to looking more like himself, potentially resolving the dysphoria/BDD. Likewise augmenting the nose and midface will make his mandible appear less prognathic. Two birds one stone.