Author Topic: Viewpoints on joint problems  (Read 2407 times)


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Viewpoints on joint problems
« on: April 08, 2015, 12:18:25 PM »
I've been reading some of Dr Wolford's papers on ICR and it's an interesting debate going on in the community right now. I see a few viewpoints surgeons take:

1) Ignore it. Most seem to fall in this camp.
2) Medications. Slow and stabilize using medications. Seems to borrow from rheumatology with some other anecdotes.
3) Surgery. Dr Wolford is a big proponent here.

Personally, I favor (2) but I can see the case for (3) after having read his research. Results from publications look good but asking around, the failures look beyond awful. I don't think these surgeries are ready for prime time yet but Dr Wolford's publications make it sound like those with TMJ problems aren't good jaw surgery candidates either. Internal derangement is extremely common apparently, affecting 25% of people and only seen in those with long faces. Who are the major players to follow?

What do we know about this condition? Curious to hear all of your thoughts and experiences on this topic.


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Re: Viewpoints on joint problems
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2015, 12:25:49 PM »
I had minor joint problems, my left joint pops out more as I open my mouth, this is because one of the condyles is longer than the other in my case.  One surgeon wanted to do a artheroplasty on the tmj joint, partly to fix it and partly to handle the condyle length problem while he fixes the tmj joint. 

I really don't want to mess with the joint, though, because it really doesn't give me any discomfort now as it is.  So we talked about doing a condularectomy instead of a artheroplasty.   


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Re: Viewpoints on joint problems
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2015, 12:56:26 PM »
All I can say is to be very cautious with any TMJ treatment proposal. I've seen many tmj "specialist" and all of them had different treatment plans. Very scary.

I have tmj issues that after after braces. I wore a mouthguard for 3-4 years during the night that this literally f**ked up my bite hard core!!!!!!

I stopped wearing it since January and I actually feel like my TMJ is getting better. I've just been practising tongue posture and I've been chewing gum. I've gotten an MRI recently so we'll see If my disks are in good condition.


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Re: Viewpoints on joint problems
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2022, 03:59:45 PM »
All I can say is to be very cautious with any TMJ treatment proposal. I've seen many tmj "specialist" and all of them had different treatment plans. Very scary.

I have tmj issues that after after braces. I wore a mouthguard for 3-4 years during the night that this literally f**ked up my bite hard core!!!!!!

I stopped wearing it since January and I actually feel like my TMJ is getting better. I've just been practising tongue posture and I've been chewing gum. I've gotten an MRI recently so we'll see If my disks are in good condition.

Did you have jaw surgery? MMA? Was the TMD made worse by it?