Author Topic: Does it sound crazy to give yourself a gummy smile in order to maximize CCW?  (Read 1781 times)


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I was reading threads on here and I saw someone say that Dr Gunson said that your occlusal plane should match the plane of your jaws and I have a steep mandibular plane without a gummy smile, and my occlusal plane is kinda close to flat,  so does it sound crazy to want to get a gummy smile back?

What im proposing:

My skull:

I found what I read:

So i guess does what Dr Gunson said to do translate into give yourself (me) a gummy smile?

Im wondering because I want a flat mandible (yeah I still will need implants at the ramus). Can I get away with just a little bit of rotation and then maybe sliding the chin up to make the mandibular appear flat? Like this. whoops wrong picture but maybe slide my chin up higher and then shave the part of mandible thats underneath the chin plane?
« Last Edit: March 16, 2020, 05:46:50 PM by FranAK »


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You're not going to be able to control every fine detail. With the upper jaw, the margin of error is 1 to 2mm either way.
If you think the surgery can control such a fine level of detail you're mistaken and might want to re-calibrate expectations.

In terms of a theoretical response, yes, in theory you can lower the upper jaw and make the smile more gummy while doing some rotation (though you might have unstable grafts or risk of nonunion in this case, since what I am envisioning has the maxilla floating only with plates to achieve this).

Gunson isn't going to do a mishmash plan of what you think the surgery should be, though. He will do the surgery he thinks is best.

Best to ask several surgeons about this since what you want is very specific and not what you actually need (questionable if you need jaw surgery at all based on the ceph you posted, but if you do, linear looks more appropriate). You haven't provided enough good records to say for sure what you need, if anything at all.
Millimeters are miles on the face.


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bump on this thread. is it possible to get a downgraft on a higher cut lefort 1 to mitigate the effects of potentially giving urself a gummy smile? Or is this a stupid idea or an idea that wouldnt even work. Im in a very similar situation to OP and looking to get 20 degrees of CCW or more somehow. What would it take to achieve this in a profile like this?