Author Topic: How do I determine the best surgeon/practice to go to?  (Read 5766 times)


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How do I determine the best surgeon/practice to go to?
« on: August 14, 2023, 04:08:45 PM »
While giving away as little information more than necessary, my family and I are moving from New England to Virginia mid to late October, at a somewhat recent visit to an orthodontist I was told I'm a candidate for Jaw Surgery, something I'd never been told in my life. How do I pick the best surgeon or practice to visit for a consultation? Should I visit multiple? And obviously if a certain surgeon can guarantee me a better result I'd go there even if it's a longer distance, but to what extent will difference surgeons give different results, is there heavily different results or specialties within the field? And are there any surgeons in the New England/Virginia area you guys would recommend in particular, for example Dr. Steinbacher in Connecticut? If there's any other information I can give to help you answer my questions let me know, I'm really new to this and don't even feel I know the right questions to be asking.